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W. Howells Book Award*%American Anthropological Association*Gordon R Willey Prize Morton H. Fried Prize*)P. E. MacAllister Field Archaeology Award%American Schools of Oriental ResearchG. Ernest Wright Award/The Charles R Darwin Lifetime Achievement Award0American Association of Physical AnthropologistsEdward Sapir Prize#Society for Linguistic AnthropologySPA Lifetime Achievement Award&Society for Psychological Anthropology Communication+Steven H. Chaffee Career Productivity Award'International Communication AssociationOutstanding Book Award$Applied/Public Policy Research AwardOutstanding Article AwardYoung Scholar AwardICA Fellows Book AwardKarl R. Wallace Memorial Award"National Communication Association,Samuel L. Becker Distinguished Service AwardeBernard J. Brommel Award for Outstanding Scholarship or Distinguished Service in Family Communication:Douglas W. Ehninger Distinguished Rhetorical Scholar AwardOFranklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of ExpressionLGerald M. Phillips Award for Distinguished Applied Communication Scholarship6Leslie Irene Coger Award for Distinguished Performance[Lilla A. Heston Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Interpretation and Performance Studies"Charles H. Woolbert Research AwardqJames A. Winans - Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address#Golden Anniversary Monograph AwardsDiamond Book Anniversary AwardDistinguished Scholar Award EconomicsElaine Bennett Research Prize<Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics ProfessionCarolyn Shaw Bell Award GeographyHonorary FellowshipAmerican Geographical SocietyCullum Geographical MedalCharles P. Daly Medal Samuel Finley Breese Morse Medal!David Livingstone Centenary MedalGeorge Davidson MedalOsborn Maitland Miller MedalVan Cleef Memorial MedalPaul P. Vouras MedalWrigley-Fairchild PrizeJ. B. Jackson Prize#Association of American GeographersAAG Globe AwardAAG Meridian Award AAG Honors5James R. Anderson Medal of Honor in Applied GeographyAAG Honorary GeographerGlenda Laws Award*$Association of American Geographers*Meredith F. Burrill Award5AAG E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller Award in Geography*J. Warren Nystrom Award* LinguisticsLeonard Bloomfield Book AwardLinguistic Society of America+Linguistics, Language, and the Public AwardKenneth L. Hale Award*Victoria A. Fromkin Lifetime Service AwardBashorun M K O Abiola LectureAfrican Studies AssociationClaude Ake Award (ended 2004)Conover-Porter AwardDistinguished Africanist AwardHerskovits AwardPaul Hair Prize*African Studies Association*3Distinguished Contributions to Slavic Studies Award:American Association for the Advancement of Slavic StudiesWayne S. Vucinich Book PrizeBarbara Jelavich Book Prize+AAASS/ Orbis Books Prize for Polish StudiesW. Bruce Lincoln Book PrizeMarshall Shulman Book PrizeAAUW Achievement Award(American Association of University Women,AAUW Recognition Award for Emerging Scholars+Founders Distinguished Senior Scholar AwardAmerican Fellowships*)American Association of University Women*Eleanor Roosevelt Fund Award*Women of Distinction Award.Jonas C. Greenfield Prize for Younger ScholarsAmerican Oriental Society:AAS Award for Distinguished Contributions to Asian StudiesAssociation for Asian StudiesDAAS CIAC Levenson Prizes for Books in Chinese Studies (2 categories)6AAS NEAC John Whitney Hall Book Prize (Japan or Korea);AAS SAC Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy Book Prize (South Asia).AAS SEAC Harry J. Benda Prize (Southeast Asia)Franklin R. Buchanan Prize,AAS A K Ramanujan Book Prize for Translation&Cahnman Publication Subvention Grants*Association for Jewish Studies*AABS Book Prize*2Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies*Vilis Vitols Prize*CCK Distinguished Fellowships*Chiang Ching-Kuo Distinguished FellowshipsCCK Scholar and Research GrantsCCK Visiting FellowshipsDAAD Book Prize of the GSA* German Studies Association*)Sybil Halpern Milton Memorial Book Prize*DAAD Article Prize of the GSA*Robert W. Kleemeier Award%The Gerontological Society of AmericaM. Powell Lawton Award-Maxwell A. Pollock Award for Productive Aging6Distinguished Career Contribution to Gerontology Award+Richard Kalish Innovative Publication AwardGrawemeyer AwardsGrawemeyer FoundationAn Wang Fellowship/Harvard Fairbank ý for East Asian Research/Visiting Member Awards-School of Social ScienceInstitute for Advanced StudyKalman Silvert Award*#Latin American Studies Association*Bryce Wood Book Award*Premio Iberoamericano Award* Media Award*#Martin Diskin Memorial Lectureship*Albert Hourani Book AwardMiddle East Studies AssociationMESA Academic Freedom AwardSSRC Abe FellowsSocial Science Research CouncilJohn Desmond Bernal Prize)Society for the Social Studies of ScienceLudwick Fleck PrizeRachel Carson Prize:American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow3American Association for the Advancement of ScienceRadcliffe FellowsRadcliffe InstitutePolitical ScienceHubert H. Humphrey Award&American Political Science AssociationWoodrow Wilson Foundation AwardJames Madison AwardBenjamin E. Lippincott AwardIthiel de Sola Pool AwardRalph J. Bunche Award*Franklin L. Burdette/ Pi Sigma Alpha AwardFrank Goodnow AwardJohn Gaus AwardGladys M. KammererCharles Merriam AwardKarl Deutsch Award!International Studies Associ<ation.International Studies Book of the Decade Award%International Studies Best Book Award Psychology,Distinguished Scientific Contribution AwardsFellow Status*#American Psychological Association*:Theodore Millon Mid-Career Award in Personality Psychology\Wilhelm Wundt-William James Award for Exceptional Contributions to Trans-Atlantic Psychology=Award for Distinguished Scientific Applications of PsychologyJAward for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contribution to PsychologyWilliam James Fellow AwardAmerican Psychological Society!James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award=William James Distinguished Lectures in Psychological Science APS Fellows%James McKeen Cattell Fund Fellowship 7D. O. Hebb Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award>Division of Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology>Samuel J. Messick Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award3Division of Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics7Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public AdministrationCAERA Award for Disntiguished Contributions to Research in Education)American Educational Research Association Palmer O. Johnson Memorial AwardReview of Research AwardE. F. Lindquist AwardEarly Career Award9Scholars of Color Distinguished Career Contribution Award-Scholars of Color Distinguished Scholar Award1Scholars of Color Early Career Contribution Award SociologyDistinguished Book Award!American Sociological Association9Distinguished Career Award for the Practice of Sociology Jessie Bernard AwardCox-Johnson-Frazier Award9W. E. B. DuBois Career of Distinguished Scholarship AwardSorokin Award Stouffer Award Sydney Spivack Award 4Clifford C. Clogg Award for Early Career Achievement!Population Association of AmericaMindel C. Sheps AwardIrene B. Taeuber AwardRobert J. Lapham AwardC. Wright Mills Award(Society for the Study of Social ProblemsLee Founders Award Criminology and Criminal JusticeEdwin H. Sutherland AwardAmerican Society of CriminologyAugust Vollmer AwardSellin-Glueck Award%Ruth Shonle Cavan Young Scholar AwardMichael J. Hindelang Award<President's Award for Distinguished Contributions to JusticePrestigious Total ="/ /01 34K586t7y!9 ::' R;? < >?@tAamBZvCcDE!GoH\xIeJKLzMNnrO;PHRSUVWccB T8 0Zdo2z=/  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?"B??oo&U} I} m4} I.;@;@;@;@@;@;@;@;@ ;@ ;@ ;@ ;@ ;@;@;@;@I@;@;@;@;@:;@;@;@;@;@:;@ ;@0;@ > ??? @ ?A B???? >C D EFGGG H~ I? J JII@ L J J II@ J J II@  J J I I@  J J I I@  J J I I@  J J I I @  J J I I"@ J JKI$@ J JKI&@ J LMI(@ J JII*@ J JII,@ J JII.@ L J II0@ L! 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