Accounts Payable Policies

Adequate Submissions/Support

  • A proper invoice or a payment request form with adequate support must be submitted. Keep original documentation on file for 18 months when applicable.
  • Only electronic invoice submissions will be accepted. All vendor invoices should be sent by the vendor to
  • Payment requests must be fully populated with the payee name, amount to pay, and the description of expense, and have supporting documentation that confirms the requested payment is a liability of the University.
  • Payments will not be made from vendor statements, order confirmations, packing slips, etc.
  • Payment will be made for the full approved invoice amount. "Short payments" are not permitted. A credit memo or rebill will be required to pay an amount other than the invoice amount. Exceptions will be made to reduce the invoice amount by any sales tax charged for which the University is exempt.
  • Requests to pay individuals or sole proprietors must be accompanied by notification that an Independent Contractor Determination was approved.
  • The business purpose must be added to the invoice if it is not clearly stated (i.e., understandable by an auditor). A business purpose must always be explained on a payment request form.
  • A list of attendees (and their relationship to the University) is required for all entertainment expenses. This includes business meals.
  • Payment requests for a payee not already in 天美传媒’s vendor database must be accompanied by a current and completed IRS form W9.
  • All reimbursement requests require an itemized receipt and proof of payment (exception: travel expenses less than $25 and per diem). Non-employee reimbursements must be submitted on a payment request form. All employee reimbursements should be submitted through Concur except for relocation expenses.