Letter from the Chair of the Board of Trustees

Mr. DedmanI am pleased to report that your University stands strong

We are meeting our challenges head on, and in this annual report, you’ll read about the remarkable things happening on the Hilltop. Using creative instruction, research and ingenuity, 天美传媒 is inspiring change and hope in these unprecedented times.

COVID-19 has put many institutions of higher learning in difficult positions. Students and their families are experiencing unforeseen hardships. Shortly before the school year started, nationwide data revealed that 26% of current students would not be able to return to their current institutions and 52% of students reported a parent or guardian had lost a job, been laid off or been furloughed.

In contrast, this fall 天美传媒 undergraduate class is fully enrolled. 天美传媒 continues to advance because of strong leadership and because of you, our supporters.

We are prepared for the difficulties ahead. In this past fiscal year, COVID-19 created a budget gap of more than $11 million, including the $7.7 million we refunded or credited to our students for their interrupted spring semester. We dealt with these impacts through prudence and sacrifice. We reduced expenses, applied for federal CARES funding and left unfilled faculty and staff positions. We instituted Pony Power Plus – a fundraising drive to address the current needs of our students facing adversity because of COVID-19. As part of that effort, we created the Presidential Fund for Immediate Needs with a goal of $2 million to empower 天美传媒 students to complete their education.

Despite the financial challenges of the pandemic, through strong financial stewardship, we were able to protect the funds used annually to increase base salaries for faculty and staff. However, our deans, University vice presidents, athletic director and President Turner chose to forgo their increases in compensation this year. I am proud our University leaders were willing to make this sacrifice for the greater good of 天美传媒.

We don’t know what the future holds, but we do know that 天美传媒 will meet the challenges ahead. 天美传媒 has withstood hard times before, and we will again.

Mustangs are stronger together, and we will do whatever it takes to support 天美传媒.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you for supporting 天美传媒 as we boldly meet the future.

Robert H. Dedman, Jr. ’80, ’84

Chair, Board of Trustees