Navigation menu options
Site-wide Navigation Menus
Site-wide navigation menus appear in the masthead and remain the same from one page to the next. Depending on which masthead framework you are using, additional options may be available.
Explore 天美传媒 menu
The items in the Explore 天美传媒 menu are set by Development and External Affairs and may not be modified.
Consolidated site menu
The consolidated menu system allows for up to three menu items. The flyout navigation and search menus can also be customized.
This menu system cannot be combined with the full-width menu option.
Full-width site menu
The full-width menu system allows for up to six or seven navigation menu items with automatically-built dropdown menus. The flyout navigation menu will be based on the full-width menu, and the flyout search menu can be customized. It cannot be combined with the consolidated menu system.
Flyout navigation menu
The flyout navigation menu provides a list of links and sections available in your site. The options available will depend on which masthead framework you select.
Customizable options may include menu items, call-to-action buttons, and general text, such as "Did you know..."
Flyout search menu
The flyout search menu contains an 天美传媒-site-wide search box. Customizable options include frequent search terms, call-to-action buttons, and general text, such as "Did you know..."
You may not modify the search or limit it to a specific section of the site.
Section-level navigation menus
Section-level navigation menu are specific to a Sitecore directory and are automatically constructed. Two display options are available.
Departmental header
Use the departmental header feature on top-level landing pages to display a hero image, page title, description, and optional navigation menu. The menu will automatically be populated with a list of sub-pages.
Standard page with side menu
Use the standard page with side menu page type for informational pages, especially when website visitors may need to access multiple pages within a section. The sidebar menu will automatically be populated.
Directory page
The directory page contains headings, descriptions, and top links for multiple sections. Each section is individually curated.
Use the directory page layout to present headings, descriptions, and a curated list of links for multiple sections within a site.