About Us
Mission Statement
To provide the most efficient and effective procurement and contract administration to support 天美传媒 Methodist University's schools, programs and activities.
Our Objective
To partner with our customers in order to procure and negotiate with suppliers and develop competitive pricing agreements that allow University decentralized purchasing capabilities to ensure that best value purchases are made and cost savings are realized.
Our Goals
- Provide superior service to maximize customer satisfaction.
- Promote effective and cooperative relationships with our customers
- Maintain ethical and professional business standards.
- Provide value analysis, knowledge, consulting and advice to our customers.
- Promote a positive work environment through effective communication and teamwork.
- Procure as effectively and efficiently as possible.
- Encourage fair and open competition among suppliers through negotiation, competitive bidding and contract buying.
- Actively support diversity in the supplier base.
- Maintain an effective supplier support base.
- Buy environmentally smart.
Code of Ethics
Advocated by: The National Association of Educational Buyers
- To give first consideration to the objectives and policies of my institution.
- To strive to obtain the maximum ultimate value of each dollar of expenditure.
- To decline personal gifts or gratuities.
- To grant all competitive suppliers equal consideration insofar as to state or federal statute and institutional policy permit.
- Conduct business with potential and current suppliers in an atmosphere of good faith, devoid of intentional misrepresentation.
- Demand honesty in sales representation whether offered through the medium of a verbal or written statement, an advertisement, or a sample of the product.
- Receive consent of originator of proprietary ideas and designs before using them for competitive purchasing purposes.
- Make every reasonable effort to negotiate an equitable and mutually agreeable settlement of any controversy with suppliers; and/or be willing to submit any major controversies to arbitration or other third party review, insofar as to the established policies of my institution permit.
- Accord a prompt and courteous reception insofar as conditions permit to all who call on legitimate business missions.
- Cooperate with trade, industry and professional associations, and with governmental and private agencies for the purposes of promoting and developing sound business methods.
- Foster fair, ethical and legal trade practices. Price estimates and quotations received from vendors should remain confidential and not shared with other vendors.
- Counsel and cooperate with NAEP members and promote a spirit of unity and a keen interest in professional growth among them.