Hamilton Scholars 2023-2024
Ruhani Ahluwalia
Mentor: Dr. Alexander Chase
Project Title: "Microbiomes as a Source for Heavy Metal Bioremediation in Texas Watershed"
Ben Allbright
Mentor: Dr. Hiroki Takeuchi
Summer Project Title: "Domestic Political Discourse on Mexico and American Trade Policy"
Academic Year Project Title: "Domestic Politics of Chinese Foreign Policy"
Joshua Ange
Mentor: Dr. Joel Meyers
Summer Project Title: "Probing Cosmological Tensions with Cosmic Microwave Background Delensing"
Academic Year Project Title: "Maximizing the Reach of Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing Measurements"
Faith Bellamy
Mentor: Dr. Alicia Meuret
Project Title: "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life: Understanding how Consummatory and Anticipatory Pleasure Affects Episodic Memory in Depression"
Sam Brown
Mentor: Dr. Jill Kelly
Project Title: "A Global Oral History of PEPFAR"
Nina Castaneda
Mentor: Dr. Chrystyna Kouros
Project Title: "Relationships and Couples Well-being"
Chris Cook
Mentor: Dr. Robert Kehoe
Project Title: "Accurate Photometry, Internal Structure and Period vs. Luminosity from the ROTSE-I δ Scuti Sample"
Jonathan Cox
Mentor: Dr. John Buynak
Project Title: "Redesigned Carbapenem Antibiotics to Target Mycobacteria"
Lily Derr
Mentor: Dr. Hiroki Takeuchi
Project Title: "Formal Modeling in Trade Politics"
Lily Fee
Mentor: Dr. Brian Zoltowski
Project Title: "Isoform Selective Regulators of Cryptochrome"
Sophie Folts
Mentor: Dr. Austin Baldwin
Project Title: "Evaluating the Effectiveness and Implementation of Different Intervention Components in a Physical Activity Intervention"
Brandon Garcia
Mentor: Dr. Brandilyn Stigler
Project Title: "A Mathematical Model of the Effect of Heart Rate on Plaque Formation in the Carotid Artery"
Rose Hill
Mentor: Dr. Matthew Boulanger
Project Title: "Curation and Analysis of Archaeological Artifacts from the Dallas County Administration Building"
Charles Hollis
Mentor: Dr. Matthew Boulanger
Project Title: "Catalog and Analysis of the Adolph H. Witte Collection at 天美传媒: A Digital Humanities Effort"
Emma Hunter
Mentor: Dr. Holly Bowen
Project Title: "Heart-Brain Connections Supporting Emotional Memory in Older Adults"
Reece Iriye
Mentor: Dr. Weihua Geng
Project Title: "Computing Electrostatics of COVID-19 Proteins with Parallelized Boundary Integral Poisson-Boltzmann Solvers"
David Jiang
Mentor: Dr. Devin Matthews
Summer Project Title: "Implementing Atomic Integrals on Graphics Processing Units"
Academic Year Project Title: "Exploring SYCL for Accelerated Quantum Chemistry on CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs"
Ainsley Johnson
Mentor: Dr. Chrystyna Kouros
Project Title: "Relationships and Couples' Well-being"
Simran Khoja
Mentor: Dr. Pia Vogel
Project Title: "Effects of Novel Metal Nanoclusters on Cancerous and Non-Cancerous Cells"
Kaitlyn Kotake
Mentor: Dr. Austin Baldwin
Summer Project Title: "Recruitment Strategies for Underrepresented Populations in Physical Activity Research"
Academic Year Project Title: "Evaluating Accessibility and Availability of an Audio-Recorded Intervention to Promote Physical Activity"
Caroline Madrid
Mentor: Dr. Matthew Boulanger
Project Title: "Curation and Analysis of Archaeological Artifacts from the Dallas County Administration Building"
Tochi Mbagwu
Mentor: Dr. Anindita Das
Project Title: "Heterogeneous Catalysis with Lewis-Acidic Covalent Organic Frameworks"
Gabriel Mongaras
Mentor: Dr. Devin Matthews
Project Title: "Neural Networks and Large Language Models for Quantum Chemistry"
Aline Nguyen
Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Wheaton-Paramo
Project Title: "Human Trafficking State Law and Legislation Database and Research"
Lauren O'Donnell-Griffin
Mentor: Dr. Brian Zoltowski
Project Title: "Engineering Fatty Acid Biosynthesis in Algae"
Maxine Parkinson
Mentor: Dr. Edward Glasscock
Project Title: "Cardiorespiratory Deficits Due to Brain Region-Specific Deletion of the Kcna1 Gene"
Ria Parpelli
Mentor: Dr. Pia Vogel
Summer Project Title: "Novel Heavy Metal Nanoclusters on Mammalian Cancerous and Concancerous Cells"
Academic Year Project Title: "Effects of Specific Metal Nanoclusters on Cancerous and Non-Cancerous Cells"
Neel Patel
Mentor: Dr. Brian Zoltowski
Project Title: "Characterization of Fungal Circadian Clock Photoreceptors"
Brynn Price
Mentor: Dr. Emma Wilson
Project Title: "Reinventing Academic Dialogue: The Ramus Symposium of 2023-2024"
Nicole Rafidi
Mentor: Dr. Stephanie Wilson
Project Title: "Posttraumatic Symptoms and Emotional Processing of Partners' Upsetting Personal Memories"
Selena Raheemani
Mentor: Dr. Holly Bowen
Project Title: "Reconsolidation of Negative Memories"
Brynne Richardson
Mentor: Dr. Stephanie Wilson
Project Title: "Childhood Adversity, Attachment Styles, and Couples' Empathic Accuracy"
Daniel Ryan
Mentor: Dr. Alejandro Aceves
Project Title: "Applied Mathematics Meets Quantum Mechanics"
Angelica Sanchez
Mentor: Dr. Nia Parson
Project Title: "Integrative Medicine Approaches to Chronic Pain Among Historically Underserved Populations"
Taylor Shimizu
Mentor: Dr. Neely Myers
Project Title: "Supporting Interdisciplinary Mental Health Research"
Shriya Siddhartha
Mentor: Dr. Alexander Lippert
Project Title: "Studying Nitric Oxide (NO) Using Photolytic NO Donors and Fluorescent Probes"
Boden Svang
Mentor: Dr. Neil Tabor
Project Title: "Geochemical Analysis of Inorganic Carbonate-Rich Hydroxy Apatite"
Natalya Talih
Mentor: Dr. Hiroki Takeuchi
Project Title: "Comparative Authoritarianism: Authoritarianization of Democracy"
Vivian Thai
Mentor: Dr. Brian Zoltowski
Project Title: "CRY-based Tools for Drug Discovery and Magnetoreception"
Simran Waraich
Mentor: Dr. Peng Tao
Summer Project Title: "Developing Machine Learning Based Computation Models for Accurate Prediction of the Protein-Ligand Binding Affinity"
Academic Year Project Title: "Computational Studies of Light-Oxygne-Voltage (LOV) Domains Protein Dynamics and Allostery"
Kaiyan Zhao
Mentor: Dr. Vladimir Ajaev
Project Title: "Mathematical Modeling of Formation and Growth of Lipid Droplets"
Anna Kelley Zielke
Mentor: Dr. Hiroki Takeuchi
Project Title: "Political Economy of Public Opinion on Trade"