Marc I. Steinberg

Headshot of Marc I. Steinberg, faculty member at 天美传媒 Dedman School of Law.

Rupert and Lillian Radford Chair in Law and Professor of Law

Full-time faculty




Marc I. Steinberg is the Rupert and Lillian Radford Professor of Law at 天美传媒 Dedman School of Law. He is the former Director of 天美传媒’s Corporate Directors’ Institute, the Director of the 天美传媒 Corporate Counsel Externship Program, the former Senior Associate Dean for Academics, and the former Senior Associate Dean for Research at the Law School. Prior to becoming the Radford Professor, Professor Steinberg taught at the University of Maryland School of Law, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, the National Law 天美传媒 of the George Washington University, and the Georgetown University Law 天美传媒. His experience includes appointments as a Visiting Professor, Scholar and Fellow at law schools outside of the United States, including at Universities in Argentina, Australia, China, England, Finland, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa, and Sweden. In addition, he has been retained as an expert witness in several significant matters, including Enron, Martha Stewart, Belnick (Tyco), and Mark Cuban.

In addition to his University appointments, Professor Steinberg has lectured extensively both in the United States and abroad, including at the Lauterpacht Centre of International Law at the University of Cambridge, the University of Hong Kong, the University of Tokyo, Peking University, Heidelberg University, the Aresty Institute of Executive Education at the University of Pennsylvania, The American Bar Association’s Annual Meeting, the PLI Annual Institute on Securities Regulation, the University of Texas Annual Securities Law Conference, the International Development Law Institute in Rome, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, the Taiwan "SEC" in Taipei, the New Zealand Securities Commission, the Australian Law Council Section on International Law in Melbourne, the David Hume Institute in Edinburgh, the German-American Lawyers' Association in Munich, the International Law Society of South Africa, the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, the Finnish Banking Lawyers Association in Helsinki, the Swedish Banking Lawyers Association in Stockholm, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Economic Crimes Department of the Russian Federation in Moscow. He also has served as a member of the FINRA National Adjudicatory Council (NAC).

Professor Steinberg received his undergraduate degree at the University of Michigan and his law degrees at the University of California, Los Angeles (J.D.) and Yale University (LL.M.). He clerked for Judge Stanley N. Barnes of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, extern clerked for Judge Anthony J. Celebrezze of the Sixth Circuit, was legislative counsel to U.S. Senator Robert P. Griffin, and served as the adviser to former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Arthur J. Goldberg for the Federal Advisory Committee Report on Tender Offers.

Professor Steinberg was an enforcement attorney at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and thereafter became special projects counsel. In that position, he directly assisted the SEC’s General Counsel in a wide variety of projects and cases and served as the General Counsel’s confidential legal adviser.

Professor Steinberg has authored approximately 150 law review articles and 40 books, is editor-in-chief of The International Lawyer, editor-in-chief of The Securities Regulation Law Journal, and is an adviser to The Journal of Corporation Law. Professor Steinberg is a member of the American Law Institute.

Area of expertise

  • Business Enterprise Law
  • Securities Law
  • Legal Ethics


A.B., University of Michigan
J.D., UCLA Law
LL.M., Yale Law School


Securities Regulation
Business Enterprise
Securities Litigation & Enforcement
Lawyering and Ethics for the Business Attorney
Director, Corporate Counsel Externship Program


, 5th ed. (Carolina Academic Press 2024) (also Lexis Nexis Publishing 1st ed. 2009 and 2d ed. 2012; Carolina Academic Press 3d ed 2016 and 4th ed. 2020; with Professor's Manuals) (with Joan MacLeod Heminway et al.)

, 3d ed. (West Academic Press 2024) (also 1st ed. 2015 and 2d ed. 2020) (with Stephen B Yeager)

, 8th ed. (Carolina Academic Press, forthcoming 2023) (also Matthew Bender & Co 1st ed. 1989 and 2d ed. 1996; Lexis Nexis Publishing: 3d ed. 2001, 4th ed. 2007, 5th ed. 2009, 6th ed. 2014; Carolina Academic Press 7th ed. 2018)

, 8th ed. (Carolina Academic Press 2022) (also Matthew Bender & Co.: 1st ed 1986, 2d ed. 1993 and 3d ed. 1998; Lexis Nexis Publishing: 4th ed. 2004, 5th ed. 2008 and 6th ed. 2013; and 7th ed. Carolina Academic Press 2017) (with annual supplements and Professor's Manuals)

(Thomas/Reuters, 2d ed. 2001 with annual supplements 2002-2022) (with Ralph C. Ferrara)

(Oxford University Press 2021)

, 2d ed. (Carolina Academic Press 2021) (also 1st ed. 2016) (with Wendy Gerwick et al.)

(Law Journal Press 2021, and updates 1-63) (first published 1984)  

, 5th ed. (West Academic 2020) (also Thomson/West: 1st ed. 2002, 2d ed. 2007 and 3d ed. 2011; West Academic 4th ed. 2016) (with Professor's Manuals)

(Twelve Tables Press 2019)

(Oxford University Press 2018)

, 7th ed. (Carolina Academic Press 2018)

(Law Journal Press 2005) (with 2018 Supplement)

SECURITIES REGULATION: LIABILITIES AND REMEDIES (Release #64, 2023) (Law Journal Press 1984)

(West 2013) (with Franklin A. Gevurtz and Eric Chaffee)

(Cognella 2012)

INSIDER TRADING, 3d ed. (Oxford University Press 3d ed 2010) (also Little Brown & Co. 1996 and Practising Law Institute 2d ed. 2005) (co-authored)

SECURITIES PRACTICE: FEDERAL AND STATE ENFORCEMENT (West, Clark Boardman Callaghan 1985, with with annual supplements 1987-2001) (with co-author)



CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN SECURITIES REGULATION (Butterworth Legal Publishers 1988) (editor)




Undue Limitations in the Section 10(b) Purchaser-Seller Requirement, 99 Tulane Law Review 1 (forthcoming 2024) (with Antonio R. Partida)

The Most Important Decision in Federal Securities Law – Texas Gulf Sulphur, 42 Quinnipiac Law Review 13 (2023) 

US Prospectus Liability - An Overview and Critique, 14 Journal of European Tort Law 124 (2023)

To Call a Donkey a Racehorse — The Fiduciary Duty Misnomer in Corporate and Securities Law, 48 Journal of Corporation Law 1 (2022) 

Facilitating Capital Raising: The SEC's 2020 Amendments to the Exempt Offering Framework, 49 Securities Regulation Law Journal 193 (2021) (with Taylor E. Santori)

The Federalization of Corporate GovernanceAn Evolving Process, 50 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 539 (2019)

The Litigation Privilege as a Shelter for Miscreant Legal Counsel, 97 Oregon Law Review 1 (2018) (with Logan J. Weissler)

Texas Gulf Sulphur at Fifty—A Contemporary and Historical Perspective, 71 天美传媒 Law Review 625 (2018)

Laxity at the Gates: The SEC's Neglect to Enforce Control Person Liability, 11 Virginia Law & Business Review 201 (2017) (with Forrest Roberts)

The SEC's Neglected Weapon: A Proposed Amendment to Section 17(a)(3) and the Application of Negligent Insider Trading, 19 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law (2017) (with Abel Ramirez Jr.)

From the Regulatory Abyss: The Weakened Gatekeeping Incentives under the Uniform Securities Act, 35 Yale Law & Policy Review 1 (2016) (with James Ames)

Pleading Securities Fraud Claims - Only Part of the Story, 45 Loyola University (Chicago) Law Journal 603 (2014)

The Emergence of a New Battleground: Liability for Secondary Market Violations in Ontario, 48 International Lawyer 17 (2014) (with Alex Prescott)

Transnational DealingsMorrison Continues to Make Waves, 46 International Lawyer 829 (2012) (with Kelly Flanagan)

Enhanced "Blue Sky" Enforcement, 50 Washburn Law Journal 563 (2011)

The Assault on Section 11 of the Securities Act: A Study in Judicial Activism, 63 Rutgers Law Review 1 (2010) (with Brent A. Kirby)

A Prolonged Slump for "Plaintiff-Pitchers:" The Narrow "Strike Zone" for Securities Plaintiffs in the Fourth Circuit, 88 North Carolina Law Review 1923 (2010) (with Dustin Appel)

Blurring the Lines Between Pleading Doctrines: The Enhanced Rule 8(a)(2) Plausibility Pleading Standard Converges With the Heightened Pleading Standards Under Rule 9(b) and the PSLRA, 30 University of Texas Review of Litigation 1 (2010) (with Diego E. Gomez-Cornejo)

Disney Goes Goofy:  Agency, Delegation, and Corporate Governance, 60 Hastings Law Journal 201 (2008) (with Matthew D. Bivona)

Examining the Pipeline: A Contemporary Assessment of Private Investments in Public Equity (“PIPES”), 11 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 1 (2008) (with Emmanuel Obi)

The Corporate /Securities Attorney as a “Moving Target” — Client Fraud Dilemmas, 46 Washburn Law Journal 1 (2006)

Attorney Liability Under the State Securities Laws: Landscapes and Minefields, 3 University of California, Berkeley Business Law Journal 1 (2005) (with Chris Claassen)

Counsel Conflict Dilemmas in Mergers and Acquisitions, 47 South Texas Law Review 3 (2005)

Minimizing Corporate Liability Exposure When the Whistle Blows in the Post Sarbanes-Oxley Era, 30 Journal of Corporation Law 445 (2005) (with Seth A. Kaufman)

Lurking in the Shadows: The Hidden Issues of the Securities and Exchange Commission's Regulation FD, 27 Journal of Corporation Law 173 (2002) (with Jason B. Meyers)

The SEC and the Securities Industry Respond to September 11th, 26 International Lawyer 131 (2002)

Short-Form Mergers in Delaware, 27 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 489 (2002)

The Development of Internationally Acceptable Accounting Standards: A Universal Language for Finance in the 21st Century, 27 Securities Regulation Law Journal 324 (1999) (coauthored)

Insider Trading, Selective Disclosure and Prompt Disclosure: A Comparative Analysis, 22 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law 635 (2001)

Book chapters

Emerging Capital Securities Markets: Tasks, Challenges and Objectives, in A NEW INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL ARCHITECTURE: A VIABLE APPROACH 237 (The British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2001)

Other publications

The Continual Dismantling of the Mandatory Disclosure Framework — The SEC’s Inaction, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance (2023)

Insider Trading — SEC v. Mark Cuban — A Litigation Saga, 58 University of Louisville Law Review 1 (2019) (The 2019 William Marshall Bullitt Lecture)

The SEC’s Proposed Amendments to the Accredited Investor Definition: Slighting Investor Protection Priorities, 48 Securities Regulation Law Journal 73 (2020) (column)

Corporate Lawyers: Ethical and Practical Lawyering with Vanishing Gatekeeper Liability, 88 Fordham Law Review 1575 (2020)

Fifty Years of Excellence, 50 International Lawyer 3 (2017)

From the Editor-in-Chief, 49 Securities Regulation Law Journal 233 (2021) (regular contribution also in 45 Securities Regulation Law Journal 5 (2017)

Professor Alan R. Bromberg's Rule 10B-5,68 天美传媒 Law Review 617 (2015)

In Honor of Stanley Sporkin, 43 Securities Regulation Law Journal 5 (2015)

In Honor of Professor Alan R. Bromberg, 68 天美传媒 Law Review xi (2015)

Attorney Conflicts of Interest—The Use of “Screening” in the Corporate/Securities Setting, 39 Securities Regulation Law Journal 191 (2011)

Enhancing Corporate Governance in the Mergers and Acquisitions Context — The Lawyer’s Independence, in Corporate Governance Post-Enron — Comparative and International Perspectives 151 (The British Institute of International and Comparative Law) (2006)

Attorney Conflict Scenarios in the M&A Setting, 33 Securities Regulation Law Journal 310 (2005)

Alter Ego and Single Business Enterprise in the Texas Contractual Debt Context, 41 Texas Journal of Business Law 1 (2005)

Insider Trading — A Comparative Perspective at 831, in Current Developments in Monetary and Financial Law (International Monetary Fund 2005)

32 Securities Regulation Law Journal 136 (2004) (Book review)

The SEC’s Use of “Plain English”: A Note from the Editor-In-Chief, 31 Securities Regulation Law Journal 272 (2003)

Lawyer Liability After Sarbanes-Oxley — Has the Landscape Changed?, 3 Wyoming Law Review 371 (2003)

Insider Trading Regulation — A Comparative Analysis, 37 International Lawyer 153 (2003)

ForewordSymposium on International Company and Securities Law, 37 International Lawyer 1 (2003)

“Tips” to Avoid Corporate/Securities Malpractice, 31 Securities Regulation Law Journal 117 (2003)

Sarbanes-Oxley: A Note from the Editor-In-Chief, 30 Securities Regulation Law Journal 358 (2002)

Curtailing Investor Protection Under the Securities Laws: Good for the Economy?, 55 天美传媒 Law Review 347 (2002)

The "Accredited" Individual Purchaser Under SEC Regulation D: Time to Up the Ante, 29 Securities Regulation Law Journal 93 (2001) (column)

Corporate Counsel: Roles and Liabilities - An Essay for Professor Walter Steele, 52 天美传媒 Law Review 707 (1999), 64 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 663 (1999)


Scripps News, Interview, (July 2024)

Yahoo Finance, quoted in  (April 2024)

Law 360, quoted in (December 2022)