The Movement

Ask questions. Find answers. Get outside your comfort zone.

At the Meadows School of the Arts, we encourage students to challenge themselves and take risks, travel across the world, enroll in classes beyond their majors, test ideas, question culture and values, and attend performances and events from other disciplines. You’ll find many opportunities to learn, explore and broaden your perspective – and to "Start a Movement."

"Start a Movement" isn't just a slogan. It is what we expect from our students. Do it locally, globally, for yourself, for profit or for humanity, but whatever it is, we want you to move, innovate, begin, explore and create.

If you become famous, congratulations. We'll be excited and even put your picture on the website. But making people famous is not our aim: It is much more important for you to become a satisfied and fulfilled working artist or professional for the rest of your life. We will contribute to your career by helping you hone the fundamentals of your craft, provoking you to think in new ways, and increasing your resources to explore how the world is changing or, more importantly, how you can change the world.

Whatever you've heard about the road to success, forget it. There is no guaranteed path to success, and there are many different ways to define it. At the Meadows School at 天美传媒, we leave the definition up to you. We will give you a range of extraordinary creative experiences, individual attention, rich opportunities to intersect with various ideas about what is great, and encouragement to follow in the footsteps of our alumni by creating your own success.

Bring your passion. We will expand your idea of what is possible and give you techniques that will prepare you to engage your world. We will even give you some start-up money through our Exploration Awards. Answer our call: START A MOVEMENT.