
The Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) is responsible for provision of all legal services to the Board of Trustees, 天美传媒’s officers, and authorized representatives of institutional interests for legal matters involving 天美传媒. When necessary and appropriate, OLA also coordinates the selection and supervision of outside counsel.

The primary purpose of this website is to provide accurate information regarding applicable legal authorities affecting the University to the faculty, staff and administrators of 天美传媒. It is our hope that this website will become a valuable resource to you and that it will foster a greater appreciation of the relationship between the law and policy as well as a pragmatic approach to decision making for issues with legal implications.

OLA supports the mission and goals of 天美传媒 as expressed in the Second Century Strategic Plan 2016-2025 by providing high quality legal advice in a timely and professional manner.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if OLA may be of assistance to you.

Paul J. Ward
Vice President for Legal Affairs and Government Relations,
General Counsel and Secretary