MAST+ : Ministers // Artists // Scholars // Teachers // +

Our Mission

For theologically driven creatives, MAST+ fosters a community that encourages cohort members to write and create resources for the church and the academy. In the program, students should develop their artistic vision, refine and define their voice, as well as become equipped to think innovatively and entrepreneurially, reaching beyond the traditional walls of the church. The work done through MAST+ should meet the broader society in the publishing house, recording studio, film set, or wherever the Spirit might lead. Through MAST+, students will develop new friendships, create new works, and, we hope, solidify a direction for whatever creative field they are called.


Core Principles

Create your Community Whatever we make, whatever we read, and whatever we experience, is not solely for our own betterment, but is to be shared for the transformation of community.

Voice your Vision Your dream project, be it a memoir, a podcast, a play, is a gift that we want to help you better envision so that you can create it.

Discern your Direction Whether on retreats or attending a workshop, we set apart time to intentionally engage professional and spiritual development, helping you listen to your calling.