Schedule of Charges to Students

Policy number: 4.5

Policy section: Business & Finance

Revised Date: January 2, 2019

1.  Policy Statement

It is the policy of the University that the Board of Trustees of the University is responsible for reviewing and approving all Student Charges and the President's Executive Council (“PEC”) is responsible for reviewing and approving all other fees and charges assessed to students.

2.  Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to identify and designate those responsible for reviewing and approving Student Charges and other fees and charges assessed to students.

3.  Applicability

This policy applies to all University faculty and staff involved in the assessment and proposed adjustment of all Student Charges for the fall, spring, summer and interterm sessions, and of other fees, charges, and deposits.

4.  Student Charges

Student Charges, for the purpose of this policy, refers to tuition charges, the required general student fee, and housing and board charges assessed by the University.

5.  Review and Approval of Tuition and Required General Student Fee

  1. The Board of Trustees has sole authority for approving the schedule of tuition charges and the required general student fee assessed to students of recorded enrollment in the University for the fall, spring, summer, and interterm sessions.
  2. The required general student fee covers non-teaching costs for activities that support the educational programs of the University, but are not directly related to class and laboratory teaching. The required general student fee includes, but is not limited to, the operation and maintenance of facilities, intercollegiate athletics, and Student Association programs.

6.  Review and Approval of Housing and Board Charges

The Board of Trustees has sole authority to review and approve all schedules of housing and board charges assessed to students of recorded enrollment in the University for all on-campus and off-campus housing units and dining halls operated by the University.

7.  Review and Approval of Other Fees and Charges and Refunds

  1. The President of the University, and at the discretion of the President, PEC, has authority to approve all schedules of fees and charges of any nature, assessed to students of recorded enrollment at the University, other than Student Charges. Such fees and charges include, but are not limited to, application, late registration, dishonored check, late or installment payment, add or drop of course or section, parking, duplicate diploma, transcript, binding of thesis or dissertation, microfilming, copyright, athletic activity car, special course and computer use, Health 天美传媒 fees not included in the required general student fee, and other fees assessed from time to time.
  2. The President, and at the discretion of the President, PEC, has authority to establish and approve the nature and amounts of all refundable deposits required by the University, and to establish and approve guidelines and procedures governing the administration of such refundable deposits.
  3. The President, and at the discretion of the President, PEC, has authority to establish and approve guidelines and procedures governing the administration of refunds, of whatever nature, made by the University of charges or deposits collected by the University.

8.  Questions

Questions about this policy may be directed to the Vice President for Business and Finance.

Revised: January 2, 2019

Adopted: June 1, 1994

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