What is a Faculty Learning Community?

A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) is a peer-led group of faculty members (6-12) who engage in an active, collaborative, year–long program, structured to provide encouragement, support, and reflection.  


Each FLC focuses on a question, a set of problems, or a passion about a topic, as members deepen their knowledge and expertise in the chosen area by interacting on an ongoing basis. In addition to the shared learning about the topic, all FLC members will work on a personal project that uses what they have learned to improve a specific course or program, and the group members collectively will share their knowledge and accomplishments with the wider university community.

FLCs have multiple goals.  First, faculty members tend to work in isolation -- in silos, to use the popular metaphor -- especially where teaching is concerned. Research on FLCs shows that they are very effective at promoting collegiality and collaboration both within and between academic units.  Second, FLCs encourage innovation by creating a safe environment in which faculty can investigate, question, explore, and apply new or different classroom techniques.  Third, FLCs improve teaching and learning across campus, both in the group members' individual classes and as the groups' insights spread to colleagues inside and outside the department. 


Praise from Past Participants:

"A wonderful opportunity to meet and work with colleagues from other disciplines and, as a group, focus on a singular topic that’s important to each of us."

"This has actually been one of the most enjoyable experiences I’ve had since coming to 天美传媒."

"I really enjoyed this program from beginning to end. Looking back on my experience as a whole, the top things I gained from the experience were

  1. A variety of perspectives on students, pedagogy, and effective uses of technology in the classroom from faculty with different backgrounds,
  2. Encouragement from seeing the passion and adventurous spirit of different faculty in different disciplines, and
  3. A network of faculty from which I could seek advice and with which I could debate new ideas/approaches. The experience was long enough and intimate enough that I feel able to call on the group for advice in the future and hope the group will stay in regular contact."

"The most valuable part of it for me was simply having focused time dedicated to thinking about a particular area of teaching with like-minded people.  While teaching is a large part of what we as faculty do, the day-to-day practice of it often leaves little time for stepping back and thinking more philosophically about our practices, alternative methods we haven’t considered, and in this case the ways in which we could use technology (or use it better) to improve the classroom experience and/or attainment of learning outcomes.  The discussions we had . . .  got the 'teaching juices' of my brains going, which is in itself valuable and (to me) reason enough for the existence of the FLCs."

"I loved the diversity of our group – not only gender, but the diversity of our backgrounds and teaching areas."

"One of the most important things I gained from this experience was the opportunity to meet with colleagues from across the university, many of whom I had never met before. It was exciting to work with others who are passionate about their work, who want to improve their teaching."

Previous FLC Programs: 


  • Hot Topics in the Academy
  • Book Discussions: A War for the Soul of America: A History of Culture Wars


  • Fostering Inclusive Classrooms
  • World Changers Shaped Here? Rebranding Leadership
  • Higher Education in America: From National Policy to the Individual Classroom


  • Teaching and Learning in Graduate Seminars
  • Innovative Assessment Techniques
  • Higher Education in America: From National Policy to the Individual Classroom


  • Intrinsic Motivation and Play for Learning FLC
  • Teaching with Technology FLC (continuing from 2012-13)


  • Teaching with Technology FLC
  • Rethinking the Writing Assignment FLC