Student Petitions

The University Curriculum (UC) requirements are for students who matriculated into 天美传媒 between Fall 2016 and Spring 2020.

Use the UC student forms and petitions below.

  • Use the Advance Approval of Transfer Work (US) form when you plan to take classes at another university and transfer them back to 天美传媒. After your first term of enrollment at 天美传媒, only courses from four-year universities will transfer back to 天美传媒 for credit hours. All courses will need pre-approval by the 天美传媒 department offering equivalent/similar classes. You may also request for the UC office to approve your chosen class to satisfy Breadth, Depth, and Pillar requirements.

  • Use the when you plan to take classes at a university outside of the U.S. and transfer them back to 天美传媒. After your first term of enrollment at 天美传媒, only courses from four-year universities will transfer back to 天美传媒 for credit hours. All courses will need pre-approval by the 天美传媒 department offering equivalent/similar classes.
  • Use the when you plan to take classes at a university outside of the U.S.and transfer them back to 天美传媒. After your first term of enrollment at 天美传媒, only courses from four-year universities will transfer back to 天美传媒 for credit hours. All courses will need pre-approval by the 天美传媒 department offering equivalent/similar classes.
  • NOTE: Do not use this form for courses offered through 天美传媒 Abroad. See the Undergraduate Request for Approval to Attend a Non-天美传媒 Affiliated Study Abroad Program or a Non-US Institution in the Registrar's Forms Library.

  • Use the Second Language Advance Approval form to when you plan to take classes at another university and transfer them back to 天美传媒 to satisfy the Second Language requirement.

Submitting your request:

  • Read the instructions on the form carefully and fill out ALL of the required information.
  • Contact the other institution to obtain a description (and syllabus, if possible) for the course you plan to take.
  • The more information you provide, the more likely the course is to be approved for transfer credit. If requesting a UC requirement, your completed form will need to be reviewed by the following offices in this order:
    • Your current assigned academic advisor (listed on your Student 天美传媒 in my.天美传媒)
    • The department that offers the equivalent/similar 天美传媒 course
    • The Academic Records Office for the school that offers the equivalent/similar 天美传媒 course
    • The Academic Records Office for your current school or major
    • The University Curriculum Office in 102 Laura Lee Blanton Building

  • Use the  if you believe that work you completed in an 天美传媒 or transfer course (not already tagged for the requested requirement) qualifies to satisfy a specific UC Proficiency. You must have successfully completed an 天美传媒 course that met the Basic Course Criteria and gave you the opportunity to develop and demonstrate each of the Student Learning Outcomes for the requested UC proficiency.


  • Use this  if you believe that an activity you participated in outside of class should to satisfy one of the following:

    • Community Engagement
    • Global Engagement
    • Human Diversity
    • Information Literacy
    • Oral Communication
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Writing
  • You must demonstrate each of the Student Learning Outcomes for the requested UC Proficiency.
  • Verify that you meet all of the criteria stipulated with the Basic Course Criteria.

  • The Undergraduate Petition for Reevaluation of Transfer Work is used to request that transfer coursework be reconsidered as either a generic course designation (ex. HUM 10XX) or a specific 天美传媒 course equivalent. You may also use this petition to request that a course which was given an XX, YY, etc., designation satisfy a specific UC requirement.

  • - Click this link to request a re-evaluation of transfer credit towards University Curriculum Foundation/Breadths/Depths requirements or free-elective credit. 

  • - Click this link to request a re-evaluation of transfer credit towards University Curriculum major or minor requirements.

Submitting your request:

  • Read the instructions on the form carefully and fill out ALL of the requested information.
  • Consult with your academic adviser to determine whether Option 1 or Option 2 better fits your needs.
  • Collect and attach all information you have for the course that may support your request: course description, syllabus, assignments, etc.
  • Submit your completed request form and all supporting materials to the appropriate office designated on the form.
  • NOTE: Do not use this form for courses offered through 天美传媒 Abroad. See the Undergraduate Request for Approval to Attend a Non-天美传媒 Affiliated Study Abroad Program or a Non-US Institution in the Registrar's Forms Library.

The  is used to request that Common Curriculum Breadth requirements be used to satisfy University Curriculum Breadth requirements. Once a student chooses to have CC credit they in turn will forfeit any UC Foundation, Breadth, and Depth credit it currently carries.


  • Courses offered through 天美传媒 Abroad (both summer and semester-long programs) are considered 天美传媒 courses, and most have already been assigned 天美传媒 course numbers. Please note that new abroad courses must be assigned an 天美传媒 course number. Contact the 天美传媒 Abroad Office for details.
  • If you take an 天美传媒 course that has been pre-approved for UC Foundation and/or Pillar requirements Abroad, these pre-approved Foundation and Pillar requirements will automatically populate on your DPR when 天美传媒 Abroad registers you for the course.
  • 天美传媒 Abroad courses taught by 天美传媒 faculty are not eligible to be considered for additional Foundation/Breadth/Depth/Pillar requirements.
  • 天美传媒 Abroad courses taught through 天美传媒 provider programs can be considered for additional Foundation/Breadth/Depth/Pillar requirements. You can make this request either BEFORE or AFTER you take the course. The forms through which you make this request are available ONLY through the 天美传媒 Abroad Office and not from either your academic advisor or the UC/GEC Office.
  • Most 天美传媒 Abroad courses are not “tagged” with UC Proficiencies & Experiences, even when their Dallas-campus counterparts are. You can request that your 天美传媒 Abroad courses satisfy UC proficiencies and experiences by using the form described in the Course-Based Proficiency Request tab.
  • NOTE: Do not use this form for courses offered through 天美传媒 Abroad. See the Undergraduate Request for Approval to Attend a Non-天美传媒 Affiliated Study Abroad Program or a Non-US Institution in the Registrar's Forms Library.
  • NOTE: Do not use this form for courses that are offered outside the US or are not part of the 天美传媒 Abroad program. See the Undergraduate Course Petition for Approval of Transfer Work Taken Abroad on a Non-天美传媒 Affiliated Program or Non-US Institution in the Registrar's Forms Library.

  • This form is no longer used. Ask your advisor what form to use.
  • If you and your advisor are not sure which form to use, email


  • UC 2016 Proposal Form
  • This form is for faculty who wish to submit a course proposal for the University Curriculum.
  • Completed proposals and proposal-related questions should be directed to