Retention Alert

Faculty, staff, parents, and families can share when they learn of undergraduate students who may want to leave 天美传媒.

Please use our intent to leave reporting tool. 

Retention alert reporting form

The Office of Student Success and Retention invites you use our Retention Alert to communicate your retention concerns about 天美传媒 undergraduate students.

Retention Alert allows student support personnel to attempt intervention with students at risk. Reporting faculty and staff are encouraged to continue working with the identified student. Student Success and Retention or a partner office representative will make attempts to reach students who would benefit from academic and personal support services. The Retention Alert form will ask you to identify the reason for the alert and your recommendation(s) for follow up.


We want your feedback about this new method for reporting your retention concerns about students. Email or call us with any questions or ideas about this system.


When in doubt... report

Not sure it its a retention concern? Not sure if it should be reported? When in doubt, report a concern to the or call 214-768-4564.