Stephanie Al Otaiba

Patsy and Ray Caldwell Centennial Chair in Teaching & Learning and Professor

Department of Teaching & Learning

Stephanie Al Otaiba, Patsy and Ray Caldwell Centennial Chair in Teaching & Learning


Ph.D., Vanderbilt University


6401 Airline Rd
Suite 301
Dallas, 75205


View CV


Stephanie Al Otaiba, Ph.D. joined 天美传媒 Methodist University in January 2012 as Professor of Teaching and Learning in the Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education & Human Development. She was named the Patsy and Ray Caldwell Centennial Chair in Teaching and Learning in 2014. Previously, she was an Associate Professor at the Florida State University (FSU) and she remains a faculty affiliate of the Florida 天美传媒 for Reading Research. She received her Ph.D. in 2000 in Human Development from Peabody College of Vanderbilt University, and prior to that, she was a special educator for over a decade in the United Arab Emirates. She enjoys teaching graduate courses in literacy, special education, assessment, response to intervention and mentoring doctoral students.

Dr. Al Otaiba's research interests include school-based literacy interventions, response to intervention, learning disabilities, diverse learners, and teacher training. She has published over 150 journal articles and book chapters related to these interests. She has also developed reading curricular materials. Her line of research has been supported by several federally funded grants from the U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences, the Office of Special Education Programs, and from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Click here to learn more about her current projects.

Her research has garnered numerous prestigious awards. In 2001, she received the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the International Reading Association. In 2010, she was the recipient of The Council for Exceptional Children Division for Research Distinguished Early Career Research Award. She also received the Developing Scholar Award and the Graduate Faculty Mentor Award at FSU in 2010. In 2017, she received the Distinguished Career Award from the Special Education Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association. In addition, 天美传媒 has awarded her with a Ford Senior Research Fellowship and the University Scholar/Teacher of the Year in 2017, and the Simmons School of Education awarded her the Outstanding Faculty Award in 2018. She was elected as a Fellow by the American Educational Research Association in 2020 and received the Jeannette E. Fleischner Career Leadership Award from the Division for Learning Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children in 2021.

Dr. Al Otaiba serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Learning Disabilities. Previously, she was an Associate Editor of Education Researcher and the Elementary School Journal and also serves on numerous editorial boards for scholarly journals in the field of education. For over a decade, she has served on review panels for grants for the Institute of Education Science and has reviewed for the Office of Special Education Programs. She is on the Executive Board for the International Dyslexia Association and in the past was Vice President and President of the Division for Learning Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children. Dr. Al Otaiba has consulted nationally and internationally related to literacy intervention, special education, and assessment.


Refereed Journal Articles


Petscher, Y., Al Otaiba, S. & Wanzek, J. (2021). Study of the factor structure, profiles, and concurrent validity of the Mindset Assessment Profile Tool for elementary students. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 39(1), 74-88.

Tock, J., Quinn, J., Al Otaiba, S., Petscher, Y., Wanzek, J. (2021). Establishing a reading mindset measure: a validation study. Assessment for Effective Instruction, 46(4), 281-291.

Wanzek, J., Al Otaiba, S., Petscher, Y., Lemons, C.J., Gesel, S. A., Fluhler, S., Donegan, R. E., & Rivas, B. (2021). Comparing the effects of reading intervention versus reading and mindset intervention for upper elementary students with reading difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 54(3), 203-220.

Werfel, K.L., Al Otaiba, S., Y. S. Kim ., & Wanzek, J. (2021). Linguistic predictors of single -word spelling in first grade students with speech and/or language impairments. Remedial and Special Education, 42(2), 118-128.

van Dijk, W., Schatschneider, C., Al Otaiba, S., & Hart, S. A. (2021). assessing measurement invariance across multiple groups: When is fit good enough? Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1–24.


Al Otaiba, S, Lemons, C.J., McMaster, K., & Wanzek, J. (2020). Response to intervention and Multi-tiered systems of support: Focus on intensification. Brief for the International Literacy Association.

Donegan, R., Wanzek, J., Al Otaiba, S. (2020). Effects of a reading intervention implemented at differing intensities for upper elementary students. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 35(2), 62-71.

Allor, J. H., Yovanoff, P., Al Otaiba, S., Ortiz, M. B., & Conner, C. (2020). Evidence for a literacy intervention for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 55(3), 290-302.

Clemens, N.H., Lee, K., Henri, M., Simmons, L., Kwok, O., & Al Otaiba, S. (2020). Growth in sub-lexical fluency during early reading instruction and its relation to decoding acquisition, Journal of School Psychology, 79, 43-62.


Al Otaiba, S., Allor, J. H., Baker, K., Conner, C., Stewart, J., & Mellado de la Cruz, V. M. (2019). Teaching phonemic awareness and word reading skills: Focusing on explicit and systematic approaches. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 45, 11-16.

Al Otaiba, S., Baker, K., Lan, P., Allor, J., Rivas, B., Yovanoff, P., & Kamata, A. (2019). Elementary teacher’s knowledge of response to intervention implementation: a preliminary factor analysis. Annals of Dyslexia, 69(1), 34-53.

Al-Shehhi, S. A., Emam, M. M., Al Otaiba, S., Ibrahim, M. M., & Al-Mehrizi, R. (2019). Development of curriculum-based measurements in mathematical computations for Arab-speaking fourth grade students. School Psychology International, 40(2), 145–167. ** This paper was just recognized by the Omani government with a research prize.

Jones, F. G., Gifford, D., Yovanoff, P., Al Otaiba, S., Levy, D., & Allor, J. (2019). Alternate assessment formats for progress monitoring students with intellectual disabilities and below average IQ: An exploratory study. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 34(1), 41– 51.

Mellado De La Cruz, V., Al Otaiba, S., Hsiao, Y., Clemens, N., Jones, F., Rivas, B. K., Greene, E. A., & Hagan-Burke, S. (2019). The prevalence and stability of challenging behaviors and concurrent early reading growth among kindergarteners at reading risk. The Elementary School Journal, 120(2), 220-242.

Wanzek, J., Petscher, Y., Al Otaiba, S. & Donegan, R.E. (2019). Retention of reading intervention effects from fourth to fifth grade for students with reading difficulties. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 35(3), 277-288.


Clemens, N.H., Hsaio, Y., Simmons, L., Kwok, O., *Greene, E., *Soohoo, M., *Henri, M., Luo, W., *Prickett, C., Rivas, B., & Al Otaiba, S. (2018). The predictive validity of kindergarten progress monitoring measures across the school year: An application of dominance analysis. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 44(4), 241–255.

Al Otaiba, S., Petscher, Y., Wanzek, J., Lan, P., & Rivas, B. (2018). Intensive intervention for fourth graders with poor comprehension. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 33, 156-167.

Al Otaiba, S., Rouse, A. G., & Baker, K. (2018). Elementary grade intervention approaches to treat specific learning disabilities, including dyslexia. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 49(4), 829–842.

Allor, J. H., Gifford, D. B., Jones, F. G., Al Otaiba, S., Yovanoff, P., Ortiz, M. B., & Cheatham, J. P. (2018). The effects of a text-centered literacy curriculum for students with Intellectual Disability. American Journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities, 123(5), 474-494. doi:10.1352/1944-7558-123.5.474

Connor, C. M., Phillips, B., Kim, Y.-S., Lonigan, C. J., Kaschak, M. P., Crowe, E. C., Dombek, J., Al Otaiba, S. (2018). Examining the efficacy of targeted component interventions on language and literacy for third and fourth graders’ who are at risk of comprehension difficulties. Scientific Studies of Reading, 22(6), 462-484

Daucourt, M.C., Schatschneider, C., Connor, C.M., Al Otaiba, S., Hart, S.A. (2018). Inhibition, updating working memory, and shifting predict reading disability symptoms in a hybrid model: Project KIDS. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:238. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00238.

Kim, Y.-S. G., Gatlin, B., Al Otaiba, S., & Wanzek, J. (2018). Theorization and an empirical investigation of the component-based and developmental text writing fluency construct. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51(4), 320–335. doi:10.1177/0022219417712016

Kim, Y-S.G., Petscher, Y., Wanzek, J., Al Otaiba, S. (2018). Relations between reading and writing: a longitudinal examination from grades 3 to 6. Manuscript accepted for publication in Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 31(7), 1591-1618.

Lemons, C., King, S., Davidson, K., Puranik, C., Al Otaiba, S., & Fidler, D. (2018). Personalized reading intervention for children with Down syndrome. Journal of School Psychology, 66, 67–84. doi:10.1016/j.jsp.2017.07.006

Parker, D., Burns, M., McMaster, K., Al Otaiba, S., & Medhanie, A. (2018). Examining the relations between instructional-level data and intervention response in early writing. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 43(3), 157–168. doi:10.1177/1534508417731999

Puranik, C., Petscher, Y., Al Otaiba, S., & Lemons, C. (2018). Improving kindergarten students’ writing outcomes using peer-assisted strategies. The Elementary School Journal, 118(4), 680–710. doi:10.1086/697432


Al Otaiba, S., Connor, C.M. & Crowe, E. (2017). Promise and feasibility of teaching expository text structure: A primary grade pilot study. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 31(9), 1997-2015.

Kim, Y-S. G., Schatschneider, C., Wanzek, J., Gatlin, B., Al Otaiba, S. (2017). Writing evaluation: Rater and task effects on the reliability of writing scores for children in Grades 3 and 4. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 30(6), 1287-1310.

Petscher, Y., Al Otaiba, S., Wanzek, J., Rivas. B., & Jones, F. (2017) The relation between global and specific mindset with reading outcomes for elementary school students, Scientific Studies of Reading, 21:5, 376-391, doi:10.1080/10888438.2017.1313846

Puranik, C. S, Patchan, M., Lemons, C., & Al Otaiba, S. (2017). Using peer assisted strategies to teach early writing: Results of a pilot study to examine feasibility and promise. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 30, 25-50. doi:10.1007/s11145-016-9661-9

Wanzek, J., Petscher, Y., Al Otaiba.S.,  Rivas, B.,  Jones, F. J., Kent, S., Schatchneider, C.,  Mehta, P.  (2017). Effects of a year long supplemental reading intervention for students with reading difficulties in fourth grade. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(8), 1103-1119.


Al Otaiba, S. (2016). Effective early reading instruction: Aligning Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment. The Journal of Adventist Education, 78 (2), 14-19.

Al Otaiba, S., Folsom, J.S., Wanzek, J., Greulich, L., Wasche, J., Schatschneider, C., & Connor, C. M. (2016). Professional development to differentiate kindergarten Tier 1 instruction: Can already effective teachers improve student outcomes by differentiating Tier 1 instruction? Reading and Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties, 32, 454-476. doi:10.1080/10573569.2015.1021060

Al Otaiba, S., Lake, V. E., Scarborough, K., Allor, J., & Carreker, S. (2016). Preparing beginning reading teachers for K-3: Teacher preparation in higher education. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 42(4), 25-33.

Ciulo, S., Ortiz, M., Al Otaiba, S. & Lane, K. (2016). Advanced reading comprehension expectations in secondary school: Considerations for students with emotional or behavior disorders. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 27(1), 54-64. doi:10.1177/1044207315604365

Dombeck, J. & Al Otaiba, S. (2016). Curriculum-Based Measurement for beginning writers (K-2). Intervention School and Clinic, 51(5), 276-283 doi:10.1177/1053451215606691

Gatlin, B., Wanzek, J., & Al Otaiba, S. (2016). An examination of kindergarten oral language for African American students: Are there meaningful differences in comparison to peers? Reading & Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties, 32(5), 477-498. doi:10.1080/10573569.2015.1039737

Kent, S., Wanzek, J. & Al Otaiba, S. (2016) Reading instruction for fourth-grade struggling readers and the relation to student outcomes. Reading & Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties, 33(5), 395-411. doi:10.1080/10573569.2016.1216342

Lee, J. & Al Otaiba, S. (2016). End of Kindergarten spelling outcomes: how can spelling error analysis data inform beginning reading instruction? Reading & Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties, 33(3), 226-238. doi:10.1080/10573569.2016.1165639

Lemons, C. J., Allor, J., Al Otaiba, S., & LeJeune, L.M. (2016). Ten research-based tips for enhancing literacy instruction for children and adolescents with intellectual disability. Teaching Exceptional Children, 49(1), 18-30.  doi:10.1177/0040059916662202

Lemons, C.J., Al Otaiba, S., Conway, S.J., & Mellado De La Cruz, V. (2016). Improving professional development to enhance reading outcomes for students in special education. In B. Foorman (Ed.), Challenges and Solutions to Implementing Effective Reading Intervention in Schools. New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development, 154, 87-104.

Wanzek, J., Gatlin, B., Al Otaiba, S. & Kim, Y.-S. (2016). The impact of transcription writing interventions for first-grade students. Reading and Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties, 33(5), 484-499. doi:10.1080/10573569.2016.1250142

Wanzek, J., Petscher, Y., Al Otaiba, S., Kent, S. C., Schatchneider, C., Haynes, M., Rivas, B., & Jones, F. (2016). Examining the average and local effects of a standardized treatment for fourth graders with reading difficulties. Manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. doi:10.1080/19345747.2015.1116032


Kim, Y.-S., Al Otaiba, S., & Wanzek, J. (2015). Kindergarten predictors of third grade writing. Learning and Individual Differences, 37, 27-37. DOI:10.1016/j.lindif.2014.11.009

Kim, Y.-S., Al Otaiba, S., Wanzek, J., & Gatlin, B. (2015). Towards an understanding of dimension, predictors, and gender gaps in written composition. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101 (1), 79-95.

Kim, Y.-S., Puranik, C., & Al Otaiba, S. (2015). Developmental trajectories of writing skills in first grade: Examining the effects of SES and language and/or speech impairments. The Elementary School Journal, 115 (5), 593- 613. DOI: 10.1086/681971

Lee, J. & Al Otaiba, S. (2015). Socioeconomic and gender group differences in early literacy skills: A multiple group confirmatory factor analysis approach. Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice, 21(1), 40-59. DOI: 10.1080/13803611.2015.1010545

Lemons, C.J., King, S. A., Davidson, K. A., Puranik, C. S., Fulmer, D., Al Otaiba, S., & Fidler, D. J. (2015). Adapting phonological awareness interventions for children with Down syndrome based on the behavioral phenotype: A promising approach? American Association for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 53(4) 271-288. doi:10.1352/1934-9556-53.4.271

Lemons, C.J., King, S.A., Davidson, K.A., Puranik, C.S., Al Otaiba, S., Fulmer, D., Mrachko, A.A., Partanen, J., & Fidler, D.J. (2015). Developing an early reading intervention aligned with the Down syndrome behavioral phenotype.  Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 32(3), 176-187.


Al Otaiba, S., Connor, C. M., Folsom, J. S., Wanzek, J., Greulich, L., Schatschneider, C., Wagner, R. K. (2014). To wait in tier 1 or intervene immediately: A randomized experiment examining first grade response to intervention (RTI) in reading. Exceptional Children, 81(1) 11-27. doi:10.1177/0014402914532234

Al Otaiba, S., Kim, Y.S., Wanzek, J., Petscher, Y., & Wagner, R. K. (2014). Effects of two models of first grade multi-tier intervention: Examining second and third grade outcomes and comparing outcomes based on first grade response status. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 7(3), 250-267. doi:10.1080/19345747.2014.906692

Al Otaiba, S., Wagner, R. K., Miller, B. (2014). Waiting to fail redux: Understanding response to intervention. Learning Disability Quarterly, 37 (3), 129-133. doi:10.1177/0731948714525622

Allor, J. H., Mathes, P., Roberts, K., Cheatham, J. P., & Al Otaiba, S. (2014). Is scientifically-based reading instruction effective for students with Below-Average IQs? Exceptional Children, 80, 289-308. doi:10.1177/0014402914522208

Connor, C. M., Phillips, B. M., Kaschack, M. Apel, K., Kim, Y-S., Al Otaiba, S., Crowe, E. C., Thomas-Tate, S., Cooper-Johnson, L., & Lonigan, C. J. (2014). Comprehension tools for teachers: Reading for Understanding from pre-kindergarten through fourth grade. Educational Psychology Review. 26 (3), 379-401.  doi:10.1007/s1064801492671

Greulich, L. Al Otaiba, S., Schatschneider,C., Wanzek, J., Ortiz, M., & Wagner, R.K. (2014). Understanding inadequate response to first grade multi-tier intervention: Nomothetic and idiographic perspectives.Learning Disability Quarterly, 37, 204-217. doi:10.1177/0731948714526999

Kent, S., Wanzek, J., Petscher, Y., Al Otaiba, S. & Kim, Y-S. (2014). Writing fluency and quality in kindergarten and first grade: The role of attention, reading, transcription, and oral language. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 27, 1163-1188. doi:10.1007/s11145-013-9480-1

Kim, Y.-S., Al Otaiba, S., Puranik, C., Folsom, J. S., & Gruelich, L. (2014). The contributions of vocabulary and letter writing automaticity to word reading and spelling for kindergartners. Reading and Writing:An Interdisciplinary Journal, 27(2), 237–253. doi:10.1007/s11145-013-9440-9

Kim, Y.-S., Al Otaiba, S., Gruelich, L., Folsom, J. S., & Puranik, C. (2014). Evaluating the dimensionality of first grade writing composition. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57, 199-211. doi:10.1044/1092-4388

Puranik, C., Al Otaiba, S., Folsom, J., & Greulich, L. (2014). Exploring the amount and type of writing instruction during language arts instruction in kindergarten classrooms. Reading and Writing: AnInterdisciplinary Journal, 27(2), 213–236. doi:10.1007/s11145-013-9441-8

Wanzek. J., Al  Otaiba, S., & Roberts, G. (2014). Academic responding during instruction and reading outcomes for kindergarten students at-risk for reading difficulties. Reading and Writing 27(1), 55-78.

Wanzek. J., Roberts, G.,  Al  Otaiba, S., Kent, S. C. (2014). The relationship of print reading in Tier I Instruction and reading achievement for kindergarten students at-risk for reading difficulties. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 31(3) 148-160. doi:10.1177/0731948713518334


Allor, J. H., Gifford, D. B., Al Otaiba, S., Miller, S. J., & Cheatham, J. P.  (2013). Teaching students with intellectual disability to integrate reading skills: Effects of Text and Text-Based Lessons.  Remedial and Special Education, 34, 346-356. doi: 10.1177/0741932513494020

Connor, C. M.,  Morrison, F. J., Fishman, B., Crowe, E. C., Al Otaiba, S., & Schatshneider, C. (2013). A longitudinal cluster-randomized control study on the accumulating effects of individualized literacy instruction on students’ reading from 1st through 3rd grade. Psychological Science, 24(8), 1408-1419.

Kim, Y-S., Apel, K., Al Otaiba, S. (2013). The relation of linguistic awareness and vocabulary to word reading and spelling for first grade students participating in Response to Intervention. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in School, (44), 337-347.

Kim, Y-S., Al Otaiba, S., Folsom, J., Greulich, L., & Puranik,C. (2013). Language, literacy, and attentional behaviors, and instructional quality predictors of written composition for first graders. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28, 461– 469.

Wanzek. J., Al  Otaiba, S., & Petscher, Y. (2013). Oral reading fluency development for children with emotional disturbance or learning disabilities. Exceptional Children, 80(2), 187-204.

Al Otaiba, S., Lake, V. E., Greulich, L., & Folsom, J. S. (2012). Preparing beginning reading teachers: An experimental comparison of initial early literacy field experiences. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 25(1) 109-129.

Kent, S., Wanzek, J., & Al Otaiba, S. (2012). Print reading in general education kindergarten Classrooms: What does it look like for students at-risk for reading difficulties? Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 27(2), 56-65.

Ortiz, M., Al Otaiba, S., Folsom, J. S., Connor, C. M., Gruelich, L. & Thomas-Tate, S. (2012). The componential model of reading: predicting first grade reading performance of culturally diverse students from ecological, psychological, and cognitive factors assessed at kindergarten entry. Journal of Learning Disabilities 45(5) 406 – 417.

Petscher, Y. ,Connor, C. M., & Al Otaiba, S. (2012). Item-level psychometric analysis, vertical equating, and scaling of the Diagnostic Evaluation of Language Variation assessment. in Assessment for Effective Intervention, (37) 243-250.

Puranik, C., Al Otaiba, S., Folsom, J.S., Gruelich, L. (2012). Examining the contribution of letter writing fluency and spelling to composition in kindergarten children. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 25 (7), 1523-1546.

Sáez, L, sFolsom, J.S., Al Otaiba, S. & Schatschneider, C. (2012). Relationships among student attention behaviors, teacher practices, and beginning word reading skill. Manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45 (5), 418-432.

Al Otaiba, S., Connor, C. M., Folsom, J. S., Greulich, L., Meadows, J., & Li, Z. (2011). Assessment data-informed guidance to individualize kindergarten reading instruction: Findings from a cluster-randomized control field trial. Elementary School Journal, 111 (34), 535-560. NIHMS ID 249051.

Al Otaiba, S., Folsom, J. S., Schatschneider, C., Wanzek, J., Greulich, L., Meadows, J., & Li, Z. (2011). Predicting first grade reading performance from kindergarten response to instruction, Exceptional Children, 77(4), 453-470.

Cha, H., Pappamihiel, E. & Al Otaiba, S. (2011). The silent face of language anxiety: A case study of Korean elementary school students in US schools. Primary English Education, 17(3), 201-223.

Denton, C. A. & Al Otaiba, S. (2011). Teaching word identification to students with reading difficulties and disabilities. Focus on Exceptional Children, 43, 7, 1-16.

Kim, Y.S., Al Otaiba, S., Puranik, C., Folsom, J., Greulich, L., & Wagner, R. (2011). Componential skills of beginning writing: An exploratory study at the end of kindergarten, Learning and Individual Differences, 21, 517–525.

Al Otaiba, S. & Hosp, J. (2010). Spell it out: The need for detailed spelling assessment to inform instruction. Assessment for Effective Instruction, 36, 3. doi:10.1177/1534508410384478.

Al Otaiba, S., Puranik, C., Rouby, D. A., Greulich, L., Folsom, J. S., & Lee, J. (2010). Predicting kindergartners’ end of year spelling ability from their reading, alphabetic, vocabulary, and phonological awareness skills, and prior literacy experiences. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 33, 171-184. NIHMS ID 294034.

Calhoon, M. B., Al Otaiba, S. & Greenberg, D. (2010). Spelling knowledge: Implications of instruction and intervention. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 33, 145-147.

Lake, V. E., Al Otaiba, S., & Guidry, L. (2010). Developing social skills and literacy instruction pedagogy through service learning: An integrated model of teacher preparation. Early Childhood Teacher Education, 373- 390.

Pappamihiel, N. E., Al Otaiba, S. & Hudson, R. (2010). Integrating English as a second language into Special Education teacher training programs. Teacher Education and Practice, 23, 495-506.

Al Otaiba, S., Connor, C. M., Foorman, B., Schatschneider, C., Greulich, L., & Sidler, J. F. (2009). Identifying and intervening with beginning readers who are at-risk for dyslexia: Advances in individualized classroom Instruction. Perspectives, Fall, 13-19. NIHMS ID 156086

Al Otaiba, S., Lewis, S., & Whalon, K., Dyrlund, A. K, & Mackenzie, A. (2009). Home literacy environments of young children with Down syndrome: Survey findings. Remedial and Special Education, 10(2), 96-107. NIHMS ID:155300.

Al Otaiba, S., Petscher, Y., Pappamahiel, N. E., Williams-Smith, R., Dyrlund, A., & Connor, C. (2009). Modeling oral reading fluency development in Latino students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(2), 315-329. NIHMS ID:155112.

Al Otaiba, S., Puranik, C., Zilkowksi, R., & Curran, T. (2009). Effectiveness of early phonological awareness interventions for students with speech or language impairments. Journal of Special Education, 43, 107-128. NIHMS ID:155292.

Whalon, K., Al Otaiba, S, & Delano, M. (2009). Evidence-based reading instruction for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A review of the literature. Focus on Autism, 24, 3-16. NIHMSID: 155284.

Al Otaiba, S., Connor, C., Lane, H., Kosanovich, M., Schatschneider, C., Dyrlund, A. K., Miller, M. S., & Wright, T. L. (2008). Reading First kindergarten classroom instruction and students’ early literacy growth. Journal of School Psychology, 46(3), 281-314. PMID 1908361 Medline.

Al Otaiba, S. & Foorman, B. (2008). Early literacy instruction and intervention. Community Literacy Journal, 3(1), 21-37. NIHMS ID: 153302.

Al Otaiba, S., Hosp, J., Smartt, S., & Dole, J. (2008). The challenging role of reading coaches in leaving no child behind, a cautionary tale. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 18(2), 124-155.

Puranik, C., Petscher, Y., Al Otaiba, S., Catts, H., & Lonigan, C. (2008). Development of oral reading fluency in children with speech or language impairments: A growth curve analysis. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 41(6), 545-560. NIHMS ID: P18625782. PMID: 18625782 Medline.

Al Otaiba, S. & Lake, V. (2007). Preparing special educators to teach reading: Using classroom-based assessments to judge response to intervention. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 20, 591-617.

Calhoon, B., Al Otaiba, S., Cihak, D., King, A., & Avalos, A. (2007). Effect of a peer mediated program on reading skill acquisition for children in bilingual first grade classrooms. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 30, 169-184.

Hudson, R. H., High, L., & Al Otaiba, S. (2007). Dyslexia and the brain: What does current research tell us? The Reading Teacher, 60(6), 506-515.

Al Otaiba, S. & Fuchs, D. (2006). Who are the young children for whom best practices in reading are ineffective? An experimental and longitudinal study. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39(5), 414-431.

Al Otaiba, S. & Rivera, M. (2006). Individualizing guided oral reading fluency instruction for students with emotional/behavioral disorders. Intervention School and Clinic, 4(3), 144-149.

Calhoon, B., Al Otaiba, S., Greenberg, D., King, A., & Avalos, A. (2006). Boosting the intensity of reading instruction for culturally diverse first grade students: The promise of Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 21(4), 261-272.

Rivera, M. & Al Otaiba, S., & Koorland, M. A (2006). Reading instruction for students with emotional/behavioral disorders and at-risk of antisocial behaviors in primary grades: A literature review. Behavioral Disorders, 31(3), 323-339.

Al Otaiba, S. (2005). Response to early literacy instruction: Practical issues for early childhood personnel preparation. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 25, 201-209.

Al Otaiba, S. (2005). How effective is code-based tutoring in English for English language learners and their preservice teacher/tutors? Remedial and Special Education, 26(4), 245-254.

Al Otaiba, S., Kosanovich-Grek, M. L., Torgesen, J. K., Hassler, L., & Wahl, M. (2005). Reviewing core kindergarten and first grade reading programs in light of No Child Left Behind: An exploratory study. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 21, 377-400.

Al Otaiba, S. & Pappamihiel, N. E. (2005). Guidelines for using literacy volunteers to support reading instruction for English language learners. Teaching Exceptional Children, 37(6), 6-11.

Al Otaiba, S., Schatschneider, C., & Silverman, E. (2005). Tutor assisted intensive learning strategies in kindergarten: How much is enough? Exceptionality, 13(4), 195-208.

Al Otaiba, S. (2004). Weaving moral elements and research-based reading practices in inclusive classrooms using shared book reading techniques. Early Child Development and Care, 174(6), 575-589.

Al Otaiba, S. & Hosp, M. (2004). Providing effective literacy instruction to students with Down Syndrome. Teaching Exceptional Children, 36(4), 28-35.

Pappamihiel, N. E. & Al Otaiba, S. (2003). Rethinking ESOL university faculty in-service: Personal reflections on infusing ESOL standards in special education. Special Edition of Sunshine State TESOL Journal, 2(2), 23-28.

Al Otaiba, S. & Fuchs, D. (2002). Characteristics of children who are unresponsive to early literacy intervention: A review of the literature. Remedial and Special Education, 23(5), 300-316.

Al Otaiba, S. & Smartt, S. (2002). Involving parents in early literacy intervention: A summer sound camp for children with speech and language delays. Teaching Exceptional Children, 35(3), 30-35.

Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S., Thompson, A., Al Otaiba, S., Yen, L., Yang, N., Braun, M., & O’Connor, R. (2002). Exploring the importance of reading programs for kindergartners with disabilities in mainstream classrooms. Exceptional Children, 68, 295-311.

Al Otaiba, S. (2001). IRA outstanding dissertation award for 2001: Children who do not respond to early literacy instruction: A longitudinal study across kindergarten and first grade. [Abstract] Reading Research Quarterly, 36, 344-345.

Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L.S., Al Otaiba, S., Thompson, A., Yen, L., McMaster, K. N., Svenson, K. & Yang, N. J. (2001). K-PALS: Helping Kindergartners with reading readiness: Teachers and researchers in partnerships. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33, 76-80.

Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S., Thompson, A., Al Otaiba, S., Yen, L., Yang, N., Braun, M., & O’Connor, R. (2001). Is reading important in reading-readiness programs? A randomized field trial with teachers as program implementers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, 251-267.

Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L.S., Thompson, A., Svenson, E., Al Otaiba, S., Yang, N., Nyman, K., Prentice, K., Kazdan, S., & Saenz, L. (2001). Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies in reading: Extensions to kindergarten/first grade and high school. Remedial and Special Education, 22, 15-21.


Al Otaiba, S., & Smartt, S. (2000). Involving Head Start parents in early literacy intervention: Funological awareness. National Head Start Association Dialog, 4, 89-94.

Books - Published

Wanzek, J., Al Otaiba, S., & McMaster, K. (2020).  Intensive Reading Interventions in Elementary Schools. New York: Guilford Press.

Book Chapters


Al Otaiba, S. , Ortiz, M. & Hougan, M. (2020). Phonological awareness: A critical foundation for beginning reading. In M. Hougen & Smartt, S (Eds.) The Fundamentals of Literacy Assessment and Instruction, Second Edition. (pp 108-127). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.


Al Otaiba, S., Jones, F., Levy, D., Rivas, B., & Wanzek, J. (2019). Building a growth mindset within data-based individualization: A case study of two students with reading disabilities learning to learn. In Pullen, P.C., & Kennedy, M. J.. Handbook of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and Response to Intervention (Eds.)(249-265).  New York, Routledge


Al Otaiba, S., Allor, J., Ortiz, M., Greulich, L., Wanzek, J., & Torgesen, J. (2016). Tier 3 primary grade reading interventions: Can we distinguish necessary from sufficient? In S. R. Jimerson, M. K. Burns, & A. M. VanDerHeyden (Eds.), Handbook of Response to Intervention: The Science and Practice of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (2nd ed.)(pp.389-406). New York: Springer Science.

Al Otaiba, S., Allor, J., Werfel, K. & Clemens, N. (2016). Critical components of phonemic awareness instruction and intervention: Recommendations for teacher training and for future research. In R. Schiff & M. Joshi (Eds.), Handbook of Interventions in Learning Disabilities. (pp. 9-28). New York: Springer Science.

Wanzek, J., Al Otaiba, S., & Gatlin, B. (2016). Implementation of Tier II interventions in the primary grades. In S. R. Jimerson, M. K. Burns, & A. M. VanDerHeyden (Eds.), Handbook of Response to Intervention: The Science and Practice of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (2nd ed.)(pp.329-342). New York: Springer Science.


Connor, C. M., & Al Otaiba, S. (2015). Reading instruction in the primary grades. In A. Pollatsek & R. Treiman (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Reading. Oxford, UK. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199324576.013.24


Allor, J. H., Al Otaiba, S., & Folsom, J. (updated 2014).Literacy development and language acquisition. In Oxford Bibliographies Online: Education. Ed. Jim Guthrie and Patrick Schuermann. New York: Oxford University Press.

Allor, J., Al Otaiba, S., Ortiz, M, & Folsom, J. (2014). Comprehensive beginning reading. In D. Browder & F. Spooner (Eds.), more language arts, math, and science for students with severe disabilities (pp109-125). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.

Puranik, C., Al Otaiba, S., & Ye, F. (2014). Examining early spelling and writing skills: A comparative analysis of kindergarteners with speech and language impairments and their typically developing peers. In B. Arfè, J. Dockrell, & V. Berninger (Eds). Handbook of Writing Development in Children with Hearing Loss, Dyslexia or Oral Language Problems: Implications for Assessment and Instruction (pp.112-129). NewYork, NY: Oxford.


Fuchs, D., McMaster, K. L., Fuchs, L. S., & Al Otaiba, S. (2013). Data-based individualization as a means of providing intensive instruction to students with serious learning disorders. In. L. Swanson, K. R., Harris, & S. Graham (Eds.), Handbook of learning disabilities Second edition (pp 526-544). New York, NY: Guilford.


Allor, J., Al Otaiba, S. (2012). Strategies for improving student outcomes in emergent reading: Advances in the field of early literacy instruction. In D. J. Chard, B. G. Cook & M. Tankersley (Eds.) Research-based strategies for improving outcomes in academics (pp 8-20). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Allor, J., Al Otaiba, S., & Folsom, J. F. (2012). Literacy development and language acquisition. Invited for publication by Oxford Bibliographies Online: Education.

Al Otaiba, S. & Hougan, M. (2012). Phonological awareness: A critical foundation for beginning reading. In M. Hougen & Smartt, S (Eds.) The Fundamentals of Literacy Assessment and Instruction. Baltimore, MD: Brookes.

Al Otaiba, S., Kosanovich, M., & Torgesen, J. (2012). Assessment and instruction in phonemic awareness and word recognition skills. In Alan G. Kamhi & Hugh W. Catts & (Eds.) Language Basis of Reading Disabilities 3rd Edition (pp. 113-145) Upper Saddle River: NJ: Pearson.


Al Otaiba, S., Connor, C. M., Foorman, B., Schatschneider, C., Greulich, L., & Sidler, J. F. (2011). Identifying and intervening with beginning readers who are at-risk for dyslexia: Advances in individualized classroom Instruction. Reprint of article invited for publication in M. Joshi & L. Moats (Eds.). Expert Perspectives on Intervention with Reading Disabilities: An Anthology from Publications of the International Dyslexia Association.


Al Otaiba, S., Calhoon, M. B., & Wanzek, J. (2010). Response to intervention: Treatment validity and implementation challenges in the primary and middle grades. In T.E. Scruggs & M.A. Mastropieri (Eds.), Advances in learning and behavioral disabilities (Vol. 22, pp. 1-28.). Bingley, UK: Emerald.


Al Otaiba, S., Connor, C. M., Foorman, B., Greulich, L., & Folsom, J. S. (2009). Implementing response to intervention: The synergy of beginning reading instruction and early intervening services. In T.E. Scruggs & M.A. Mastropieri (Eds.), Policy and practice: Advances in learning and behavioral disabilities (Vol. 21, pp. 291-316). Bingley, UK: Emerald.

S Castillo, J.M., Torgesen, J.K., Powell-Smith, K.A., & Al Otaiba, S. (2009). Examining the decision reliability and validity of three reading fluency measures for predicting outcomes on statewide reading accountability tests. In R.K. Wagner, C. Schatschneider, & C. Phythian-Sence (Eds.), Beyond decoding: The behavioral and biological foundations of reading comprehension (pp. 195-223). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Connor, C. M., & Al Otaiba, S. (2009). Literacy. In J. B. Benson & M. M. Haith (Eds.), Language, Memory, and Cognition in Infancy and Early Childhood (pp. 301-314). Oxford: Academic Press, Elsevier. Reprint of Connor, C. M., & Al Otaiba, S. (2008). Literacy. In Encyclopedia of infant and early childhood development.

Foorman, B. R., & Al Otaiba, S. (2009). Reading remediation: State of the art. In K. Pugh and P. McCardle (Eds.), How children learn to read: Current issues and new directions in the integration of cognition, neurobiology and genetics of reading and dyslexia research and practice (pp. 257-274). New York, NY: Psychology Press.


Connor, C. M., & Al Otaiba, S. (2008). Literacy. In Encyclopedia of infant and early childhood development (pp. 235-247). Kidlington, Oxford UK: Elsevier Limited.


Al Otaiba, S. & Torgesen, J. (2007). Effects from intensive standardized kindergarten and first grade interventions for the prevention of reading difficulties. In S. R. Jimerson, M. K. Burns, & A. M. Van der Heyden (Eds.), The handbook of response to intervention: The science and practice of assessment and intervention (pp. 212-222). New York, NY: Springer.


Al Otaiba, S., Clancy-Menchetti, J., & Schatschneider, C. (2006). Examining the effects of professional development designed to improve the effectiveness of early reading instruction for students at-risk for reading difficulties: Experimental and quasi-experimental approaches. In T. Scruggs & M. Mastropieri (Vol. Ed.), Advances in learning and behavioral disabilities (Vol. 19, pp. 207-243). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science/JAI Press.

Houston, D., Al Otaiba, S., & Torgesen, J. (2006). Learning to read: Phonics and fluency. In D. Browder and F. Spooner (Eds.), Teaching reading, math and science to students with significant cognitive disabilities (pp. 93-123). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.


Torgesen, J., Al Otaiba, S., & Grek, M. (2004). Assessment and instruction for phonemic awareness and word recognition skills. In H. W. Catts & A. G. Kamhi (Eds.), Language basis of reading disabilities, 2nd edition (pp. 127-155). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.


Al Otaiba, S. (2003). Identification of nonresponders: Are the children “left behind” by early literacy intervention the “truly” reading disabled? In T. Scruggs & M. Mastropieri (Vol. Ed.), Advances in learning and behavioral disabilities (Vol. 16, pp. 51-81). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science/JAI Press.

Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S., McMaster, K., & Al Otaiba, S. (2003). Identifying children at risk for reading failure: Curriculum-Based Measurement and the dual discrepancy approach. In L. Swanson, K. R., Harris, & S. Graham (Eds.), Handbook of learning disabilities (pp. 431-449). New York, NY: Guilford.

In Press Articles and Book Chapters

Referred Journals in Press

Al Otaiba, S, Lemons, C.J., McMaster, K., & Wanzek, J. (in press). Response to intervention and Multi-tiered systems of support: Focus on intensification. Manuscript accepted for publication as a Brief for the International Literacy Association.

Tock, J., Quinn, J., Al Otaiba, S., Petscher, Y., Wanzek, J. (in press). Establishing a reading mindset measure: a validation study. Manuscript accepted for publication in Assessment for Effective Instruction.

Wanzek, J., Al Otaiba, S., Petscher, Y., Lemons, C.J., Gesel, S. A., Fluhler, S., Donegan, R. E., & Rivas, B. (in press). Comparing the effects of reading intervention versus reading and mindset intervention for upper elementary students with reading difficulties. Manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Learning Disabilities.

Werfel, K.L., Al Otaiba, S., Y. S.Kim ., & Wanzek, J. (in press). Linguistic predictors single -word spelling in first grade students with speech and/or language impairments. Manuscript accepted in Remedial and Special Education.

Petscher, Y., Al Otaiba, S. & Wanzek, J. (in press). Assessment profile tool for elementary students. Manuscript accepted in the Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.

Book Chapters, Monographs, and Invited Papers

Allor, J. H., Kearns, D., Ortiz, M., Conner, C., & Al Otaiba, S. (In press). An examination of the text characteristics of an early reading book series: Implications for providing intensive practice with connected text. In M. Tankersley, B. G. Cook, & T. J. Landrum (Eds.), Delivering Intensive, Individualized Interventions to Children and Youth with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities, Bingley, UK: Emerald.

Baker, D. L., Al Otaiba, S., Ortiz, M., Correa, V., & Cole, R. (2014). Vocabulary development and intervention for English Language Learners in the early grades. In J. Benson (Ed.), Advances in Child Development and Behavior, vol. 46, 281-338. San Diego, CA:  Elsevier. DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-800285-8.00010-8