Lin Lin Lipsmeyer

Department Chair and Professor

Department of Teaching & Learning

Lin Lipsmeyer


Ed.D., Teachers College Columbia University


6401 Airline Rd
Suite 301
Dallas, 75205


Dr. Lin Lin Lipsmeyer is Professor and Department Chair of Teaching and Learning in the 天美传媒’s Simmons School of Education & Human Development. Prior to coming to 天美传媒, Lin was Professor of Learning Technologies and Director of the Texas 天美传媒 for Educational Technology at the University of North Texas. Lin received her doctorate in Instructional Technology and Media from Teachers College Columbia University.

Dr. Lin Lipsmeyer has conducted interdisciplinary research in learning sciences, cognition, and innovative technologies. Her research has resulted in over 110 scholarly publications including journal articles, books, and book chapters. In addition, she has been PI, Co-PI, or researcher on numerous NSF and foundation grants bridging learning sciences, artificial intelligence, and STEAM learning.  Lin also serves as the Development Editor-in-Chief of one of the top journals in education and educational research, the Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D, ).

Selected Publications


Albert, M., Lin, L. & Spector, M., & Dunn, L. S. (2022, Eds.). Bridging human intelligence and artificial intelligence. New York: Springer.

Lin, L., & Sibuma, B. (Eds.). Innovative design and development approaches. Ongoing book series. New York: Springer.

Wang, S.Y., Lin, L., Hartsell, T., Zhan, H., Beedle, J. (2019, Eds.). The eighth international conference of educational innovation through technology (EITT) 2019 proceedings. IEEE.

Ennis-Cole, D., Lin, L., & Yang, X. (2019). Seeing Autism through Parents’ Feedback, Sketchnotes, Technology, and Evidence-Based Practices. New York: Springer.

Parsons, T., Lin, L., & Cockerham, D. (2019, Eds.). Mind, brain, and technology: Learning in the Age of Emerging Technologies. New York: Springer.

Wu, T.T., Huang, Y.M., Shadieva, R., Lin, L., Star膷i膷, A.I. (2018, Eds.). Innovative technologies and learning. International Conference on Innovative Technologies and Learning (ICITL) Proceedings. IEEE. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99737-7

Lin, L., & Spector, M. (2017, Eds.). The sciences of learning and instructional design: Constructive articulation between communities. New York: Taylor-Francis/Routledge.

Refereed Journal Publications


Rahimi, S., Walker, J., Lin-Lipsmeyer, L., & Shin, J. (2023). Toward defining and assessing creativity in sandbox games. Creativity Research Journal.


Scott, J.L., Knezek, G., Poirot, J., & Lin-Lipsmeyer, L. (2022). Attributes of Learning Organizations: Measuring Personalized Online Learning and Alternative Credentials as Part of a Learning Culture. TechTrends (2022).

Deng, L., Liu, Y., Ku, K., & Lin, L. (2022). In-class multitasking with smartphones and laptops: Exploring student experiences and perceptions.College Teaching, 70:4, 443-451.

Dhimolea, T., Kaplan-Rakowski, R., & Lin, L. (2022). A Systematic Review of Research on High-Immersion Virtual Reality for Language Learning. TechTrends.

Guppy, N., Verpoorten, D., Boud, D., Lin, L., Tai, J., & Bartolic, S. (2022). The post-COVID-19 future of digital learning in higher education: Views from educators, students, and other professionals in six countries. British Journal of Educational Technology, 00, 1–16. [An interdisciplinary project in collaboration with nine higher-education institutions across five continents]


Silvia K. B., Boud, D. Agapito, J., Verpoorten, D., Williams, S., Lutze-Mann, L., Matzat, U., Moreno, M., Polly, P., Tai, J., Marsh, H., Lin, L., Burgess, J., Habtu, S., Rodrigo, M., Roth, M., Heap, T., & Guppy, N. (2021). A multi-institutional assessment of changes in higher education teaching and learning in the face of COVID-19, Educational Review. [An interdisciplinary project in collaboration with nine higher-education institutions across five continents] 

An, Y. J., Zhu, M., Bonk, C. J., & Lin, L. (2021). Exploring instructors’ perspectives, practices, and perceived support needs and barriers related to the gamification of MOOCs. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 33, 64-84.

Cockerham, D., Lin, L., Ndolo, S., and Schwartz, M. (2021). Voices of the students: Adolescent well-being and social interactions during the emergent shift to online learning environments. Education and Information Technologies.

Wang, X., Lee, Y.J., Lin, L., Mi, Y., & Yang, T. (2021). Analyzing instructional design quality and students’ reviews of 18 courses out of the Class Central Top 20 MOOCs through systematic and sentiment analyses. Internet and Higher Education.

Kaplan-Rakowski, R., Lin, L., & Wojdynski, T. (2021). Learning vocabulary using 2D pictures is more effective than using immersive 3D stereoscopic pictures. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.


Liu, Y., Deng, L., Lin L., & Gu, X. (2021) Patterns of triggers for on-task and off-task behaviors: university students in independent study, Interactive Learning Environments


Wei X., Lin L., Meng N., Tan W., Kong S. C. & Kinshuk (2020). The Effectiveness of Partial Pair Programming on Elementary School Students’ Computational Thinking Skills and Self-Efficacy Computers & Education,

Wang, X., Mayer, R., Zhou, P. & Lin, L. (2020). Benefits of interactive graphic organizers in online learning: Evidence for generative learning theoryJournal of Educational Psychology.

Yang, X., Lin, L., Wen, Y., Cheng, P. Y., Yang, X., & An, Y. (2020). Time-Compressed Audio on Attention, Meditation, Cognitive Load, and Learning. Educational Technology & Society, 23 (3), 16–26.

Wang, X., Lin, L., Han, M., Spector, M. (2020). Impacts of cues on learning: Using eye-tracking technologies to examine the functions and designs of added cues in short instructional videos. Computers in Human Behavior.


Gu, X., Wang, C., Lin, L. (2019). Examining Scientific Literacy through New Media. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 15(12), em1785.

Yang, X.Z., Lin, L., Cheng, P.Y., Yang, X., & Ren, Y.Q. (2019). Which EEG feedback works better for creativity performance in immersive virtual reality: The reminder or encouraging feedback? Computers in Human Behavior. pp. 345-351.

Ghani, U., Zhai, X., Spector, M., Chen, N., Lin, L., Ding, D, & Usman, M. (2019). Knowledge hiding in higher education: Role of interactional justice and professional commitment. Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education Research. pp. 325-344.


Lin, L., & Spector, M. (2018). A report on the AECT sponsored symposium entitled “the human-technology frontier: understanding the learning of now to prepare for the work of the future” at the Texas 天美传媒 for Educational Technology. TechTrends 62(5), pp. 438-440.

Yang, X.Z., Lin, L., Cheng, P. Y., Yang, X., Ren, Y.Q., & Huang, Y.M. (2018). Examining creativity through a virtual reality support system. Educational Technology Research and Development. pp. 1231-1254.

Lin. L., Parsons, T. (2018). Ecologically valid assessments of attention and learning engagement in media multi-taskers. TechTrends 62 (5): 518-524.

Istenic Star膷i膷, A. Terlevic, M., Lin, L., & Lebenicnik, M. (2018). Designing learning for sustainable development: Digital practices as boundary crossers and predictors for sustainable lifestyle. Sustainable Education and Approaches. Sustainability 2018, 10, 2030. pp. 1-24.

Yang, X.Z., Cheng, P.Y., Lin, L., Huang, Y.M., & Ren, Y.Q. (2018). Can an integrated system of electroencephalography and virtual reality further the understanding of relationships between attention, meditation, flow state, and creativity? Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(4), pp. 846-876.


Uncapher, M., Lin, L., Rosen, L., Kirkorian, H., Baron, N., Bailey, K., Cantor, J., Strayer, D., Anderson, D., Parsons, T., & Wagner, A. (2017). Media multitasking is associated with cognitive, psychological, neural, and learning differences. Pediatrics: Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. pp. s62-66.  

Parsons, T.D., Riva, G., Parsons, S., Mantovani, F., Newbutt, N., Lin, L., Venturini, E., & Hall, T. (2017). Virtual reality in pediatric psychology: Benefits, challenges, and future directions. Pediatrics: Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. pp. 86-92.

Schellen, M. Lin, L. & Bigenho, C. (2017). Effect of texting with friends during video lectures on high school students’ learning. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange. 10(1). pp. 1-9.


Lin, L., Mills, L., Ifenthaler, D. (2016). Collaboration, multi-tasking, and problem solving performance in shared virtual spaces. Journal of Computing in Higher Education: pp. 344-357.

Cai, H., Lin, L., & Gu, X. (2016). Using a semantic diagram to structure a collaborative problem-solving process in the classroom. Educational Technology Research and Development: pp. 1207-1225.


Lin, L., Cockerham, D., Chang, Z., & Natividad, G., (2015). Task speed and accuracy decrease when multitasking. Technology, Knowledge, and Learning. pp. 307-323.

Lin, L., Ross, H., O’Connor, B., & Spector, M. (2015). Intentionality and wisdom in language, information and technology. Educational Technology. pp. 35-39.

Gu, X., Chen, S., Zhu, W., & Lin, L. (2015). An intervention framework designed to develop the collaborative problem-solving skills of primary school students. Education Tech Research Dev 63:143–159.

Ye, Y. & Lin, L. (2015). Examining the relationships between locus of control, loneliness, subjective well-being and preference for online social interaction. Psychological Reports: Mental & Physical Health 116 (1), 164-175. DOI

2014 and prior

Jones, G., Warren, S., Ennis-Cole, D. Knezek, G., Lin, L., & Norris, G. (2014). Transforming the doctorate from residential to online: A Distributed PhD Learning Technologies. TechTrends. 58 (4): pp 19-26. DOI: 

Lin, L. (2013). Multiple dimensions of multitasking phenomenon. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 9(1), 37-49.

Lin, L., Li, J., Wircenski, M., & Wircenski, J. (2013). Multitasking and career skill requirements: Implications for career technical education. Workforce Education Forum. 36(1), 1-20.

Lin, L., Robertson, A., & Lee, J. (2012). The impact of outcome intentions on reading and multitasking performances. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 5(1), 77-94.

Lin, L., & Zhang, T. (2011). Playing exergames in the classroom: Pre-service teachers’ motivation, passion, effort, and perspectives. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 19. 243-260.

Lin, L., Lee, J., & Robertson, T. (2011). Reading while watching video: The effect of video content on reading comprehension and media multitasking ability. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 45(2), 183-201.

Lin, L., & Bigenho, C. (2011). Note-taking and memory in different media environments. Computers in the Schools, 28(3), 200-216.

Lee, J., Lin, L., & Robertson, T. (2011). The impact of media multitasking on learning. Learning, Media and Technology, 36(3). 1-11. Impact factor: 0.759 in 2014 & 2015.

Muwanguzi, S. & Lin, L. (2010). Wrestling with online learning technologies: Blind students’ struggle to achieve academic success. International Journal of Distance Education Technology, 8(2), 43-57.

McLeod, J. & Lin, L. (2010). A child’s power in game play. Computers and Education, 54, 517-527.

Lin, L., Robertson, T., & Lee, J. (2009). Reading performances between novices and experts in different media multitasking environments. Computers in the Schools, 26(3), 169-186.

Lin. L., Lopez-Ortiz, B. (2009). Technology to facilitate online group formation. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 13(1), pp. 145-152.

Lopez-Ortiz, B., Lin, L. & Tipton, M. (2009). Co-authoring in online problem-based learning: Collaborative approaches and challenges. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. 5(2), 293-303.

Al-Senaidi, S., Lin, L., & Poirot, J. (2009). Barriers to adopting technology for teaching and learning in Oman. Computers and Education, 53(3), 575-590.

Lin, L. (2008). An online learning model to facilitate learners’ rights to education. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 12(1), 127-143. 

Lin, L. (2006). Cultural dimensions of authenticity. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 111, 63-72.

Lin, L. & Cranton, P. (2005). From scholarship student to responsible scholar: A transformative process. Teaching in Higher Education, 10(4), 447-459.

Lin, L., Cranton, P. & Bridglall, B. (2005). Psychological type and asynchronous written dialogue in adult learning. Teachers College Record, 107(8), 1788-1813.

Lopez-Ortiz, B. and Lin, L. (2005). What makes an online group project work? Students’ perceptions before and after an online collaborative problem/project-based learning experience. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2(2), 47-54.

Lin, L. & Cranton, P. (2004). Dancing to different drummers: Individual differences in online learning. Creative College Teaching Journal, 1(1), 30-40.

Book Chapters

Ali Z., Meng N., Warren S., Lin L. (2022). Integrated Problem-Based Learning: A Case Study in an Undergraduate Cohort Degree Program. In: Spector M.J., Lockee B.B., Childress M.D. (eds.) Learning, Design, and Technology. Springer, Cham.

Dhimolea, T.K., Kaplan-Rakowski, R., & Lin, L. (2022). Supporting social and emotional well-being with artificial intelligence. In V. M. Albert, L. Lin, & J. M. Spector (Eds.), Bridging Human and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 125–138). Springer.

Ma, S., Spector, J. M., Bhagat, K. K., Tiruneh, D., Mancini, J., Lin, L. Nielsen, R., Liu, D., & Kinshuk (2022). Smart learning in support of critical thinking: Lessons learned and a theoretically- and research-based framework. In Albert, M., Lin, L. & Spector, M., & Dunn, L. S. (Eds., 2022). Bridging Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. New York: Springer.

Johnson, T., Lin, L., Young, P., Ilgaz, H., Morel, G., & Spector, M. (2021). Thinking from Different Perspectives: Academic Publishing Strategies and Management in the Field of Educational Technology. In R. Hartshorne, R.E., Ferdig, & G. Bull (eds.). What Journal Editors Wish Authors Knew About Academic Publishing. AACE2021. Retrieved March 25, 2021 from . pp. 37-48.

Ma, S., Bhagat, K., Spector, M., Lin, L., Liu, D.J., Leng, J., Tiruneh, D., Mancini, J. (2020). Developing critical thinking: A review of past efforts as a framework for a new approach for childhood learning. In Spector M., Lockee B., Childress M. (eds.) Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. Springer. .

Lin, L., Parsons, T.D., & Cockerham, D. (2019). Rethinking learning in the rapid developments of neuroscience, learning technologies, and learning sciences. In T. Parsons, L. Lin, & D. Cockerham (Eds.). Mind, brain, and technology: How people learn with emerging technologies. Springer. pp. 3-16.

Istenic Star膷i膷, A., Lipsmeyer, W. M., Lin, L. (2019). Using motion capture technologies to provide advanced feedback and scaffolds for learning. In T. Parsons, L. Lin, & D. Cockerham (Eds.). Mind, brain, and technology: How people learn with emerging technologies. Springer. pp. 107-121.

Cockerham, D., Lin, L., Chang, Z., & Schellen, M. (2019). Cross-sectional studies investigating the impacts of background sounds on cognitive task performance. In T. Parsons, L. Lin, & D. Cockerham (Eds.). Mind, brain, and technology: How people learn with emerging technologies. Springer. pp. 177-194.

Spector, M., & Lin, L. (2017). Historical introduction. In L. Lin & M. Spector (Eds.). The sciences of learning and instructional design: Constructive articulation between communities. New York: Taylor-Francis/Routledge. pp. 1-9.

Lin, L., & Spector, M. (2017). Continuing the discourse. In L. Lin & M. Spector (Eds.). The sciences of learning and instructional design: Constructive articulation between communities. New York: Taylor-Francis/Routledge. pp. 213-227.

Lin, L., & Cranton, P. (2015). Informal and Self-directed Learning in the Age of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). In O. Mejiuni, P. Cranton, O. Taiwo (Eds.). Measuring and Analyzing Informal Learning in the Digital Age. IGI. pp. 91-104.

Lin, L. & Lipsmeyer, W. (2015). The environmental and technological factors of multitasking. In A. Mesquita (Ed.). Human Behavior, Psychology and Social Interaction in the Digital Era. IGI. pp. 1-20.

Lin, L., Cranton, P., & Lee, J. (2015). Research methodologies for multitasking studies. In V. Wang (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Scholarly Publishing and Research Methods. IGI. pp. 329-348.

Lin, L. & Bigenho, C. (2015). Multitasking, note-taking, and learning in technology-immersive learning environments. In L. Rosen, M. Carrier, & N. Cheever (Eds.). The Handbook of Psychology, Technology and Society. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 420-435.

Lin, L. (2014). Gesture-based learning and instructional systems. In M. Spector (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. SAGE.

Lin, L. (2014). Constructivist theory. In M. Spector (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. SAGE.

Lin, L., Bonner, D., & Nimon, K. (2013). Do Gender and ADHD Affect Media Multitasking Attitudes and Behaviors? In Leping Liu & D. Gibson (Eds.). Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2013. SITE. pp. 135-140.

Lin., L. (2013). Collaborative Learning. In Rita Richey (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Terminology for Educational Communications and Technology. Springer. pp. 43-44.

Lin, L., Nimon, K., & Bonner, D. (2012). Parents’ influence on adolescent children’ media-multitasking attitudes and behaviors. In Cleb Maddux & D. Gibson (Eds.). Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2012. SITE. pp. 127-132.

Stowe, W., & Lin, L. (2012). Effective Use of Online Quizzes in Science Courses. In Cleb Maddux & D. Gibson (Eds.). Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2012. SITE. pp. 127-132.

Muwanguzi, S. & Lin, L. (2011). Coping with accessibility and usability issues with online technologies by blind students in higher education. In Qun Jin (Ed.). Intelligent Learning Systems and Advancements in Computer-Aided Instruction: Emerging Studies. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. pp. 271-288.

McLeod, J., Lin, L., & Vasinda, S. (2011). Children’s power for learning in the age of technology. In Blake, S., Winsor, D. & Allen, L. (Eds.). Technology and Young Children: Bridging the Communication-Generation Gap. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. pp. 49-64.

Warren, S. & Lin, L. (2011). Ethical considerations for game and simulation-based learning. In Yang & Yuen (Ed.). Handbook of Research on Practices and Outcomes in Virtual Worlds and Environment. IGI Global. pp. 1-18.

Warren, S, Jones, G., & Lin, L. (2011). Usability and play testing: The often-missed assessment. In L. Annetta and S. C. Bronack (Eds.). Serious Educational Game Assessment: Practical Methods and Models for Educational Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Sense Publishers. pp. 131-146.

Lee, J. and Lin, L. (2009). Applying constructivism to online learning – A new instructional design map. In Carla R. Payne (Ed.). Information Technology and Constructivism in Higher Education: Progressive Learning Frameworks. IGI Global. pp. 58-73.

Swan, K., Lin, L. and van ‘t Hooft, M. (2008). Teaching with digital technology. In C. Lassonde, R. Michael & J. Rovera-Wilson (eds.): Issues in Teacher Education. IL: C.C. Thomas Publisher, Ltd. pp. 230-260.

Beazley, M., McLeod, J. and Lin, L. (2008). Pedagogical principles, problems, and possibilities in online global classrooms. In J. Voogt & G. Knezek (Eds.), International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education. Springer Science and Business Media, LLC. pp. 675-693.

Commentaries, Reviews, and Editorial Pieces

Ruiz, P., Richard, E., Chillmon, C., Shah, Z., Kurth, A., Fekete, A., Glazer, K., Pattenhouse, M., Fusco, J., Fennelly-Atkinson, R., Lin, L., Arriola, S., Lockett, D., Crawford-Meyer, V., Karim, S., Hampton, S., & Beckford, B. (2022). Emerging technology adoption framework: For PK-12 education. [Educator CIRCLS white paper]. Digital Promise.

Lin, L., Johnson, T. (2021). Shifting to digital: informing the rapid development, deployment, and future of teaching and learning. Education Tech Research Dev. pp. 1-5.

Reeves, T.C., Lin, L. (2020). The research we have is not the research we need. Education Tech Research Dev. [rated as the No. #1 of the “Top 10 Reads from 2020…” ]

Wakefield, J. & Lin, L. (Feb. 2015). Book review of Richard Mayer’s Computer Games for Learning: An Evidence-based Approach. Teachers College Record.ID Number: 17868.

Lin, L. (2009). Breadth-biased versus focused cognitive control in media multitasking behaviors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Official Journal of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) USA 106: 15521-15522.