Academic Affairs Digest

Academic Affairs Digest: 2020

The following comprises a compendium of Simmons faculty scholarship and includes research activities, publications, editorial assignments, and notable awards.

Applied Physiology and Sport Management

Sarah BrownSarah M. S. Brown, Clinical Assistant Professor


Brown, S. M. S., Brison, N. T. (2020). Big data, big problems: An analysis of professional sport leagues CBAs And their handling of athlete biometric data. Journal of Legal Aspects, 30, 63-81.



Peter CartonPeter J. Carton Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor

Awards and Honors

Top Sports Management Program,, Leadership, National. (September 7, 2020).
天美传媒 Sport Management Program named one of the top 3 programs in the U.S.

Case Cup Winner (M.S. Sport Management), National Sports Forum, Leadership, International. (February 10, 2020).
As Faculty Advisor, selected and mentored team that won the most prestigious international graduate mock sports marketing case competition.

Brandon MastromartinoBrandon Mastromartino, Clinical Assistant Professor


Mastromartino, B., Wang, J. J., Suggs, D. W., Hollenbeck, C. R., Zhang, J. J. (2020). Dimensions of Sense of Membership in a Sport Fan Community: Factors, Outcomes, and Social Capital Implications. COMMUNICATION & SPORT.

Duan, Y., Mastromartino, B., Zhang, J. J., Liu, B. (2020). How do perceptions of non-mega sport events impact quality of life and support for the event among local residents? SPORT IN SOCIETY, 23(11), 1841-1860.

Li, Y., Kim, A., Liu, O. X., Mastromartino, B., Wang, Y., Zhang, J. J. (2020). Impact of perceived value on behavior intention of parent-child runners in a marathon event. SPORT IN SOCIETY.

Mastromartino, B., Ross, W. J., Wear, H., Naraine, M. L. (2020). Thinking outside the 'box': a discussion of sports fans, teams, and the environment in the context of COVID-19. SPORT IN SOCIETY, 23(11), 1707-1723.


McDoniel, L. T. (Co-Principal), Fellows, J. L. (Co-Principal), McCrossen, A. (Co-Principal), Mastromartino, B. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Pedagogical Partner Up Grants", 天美传媒, $2,000.00, Funded. (December 2020 - April 2021).


Greta DavisGreta A. Davis, Clinical Associate Professor

Awards and Honors

TCDA Outstanding Leadership Award, 2020, Texas Career Development Association, Service, Professional, State. (November 13, 2020).
Dr. Greta Davis has over 20 years of experience in providing career counseling services. She is a practicing career counselor, a counselor educator and Department Chair of the Counseling program at 天美传媒.  Dr. Davis has presented 30 refereed presentations in the last 15 years at professional counseling conferences, demonstrating outstanding leadership in the field.

Education Policy & Leadership

Michael HarrisMichael S. Harris, Professor


Harris, M. S. (2020). An empirical typology of the institutional diversity of U.S. colleges and universities. Innovative Higher Education, 45(3), 183-199.

Harris, M. S., Ellis, M. K. (2020). Measuring changes in institutional diversity:  The U.S. context. Higher Education, 79(2), 345-360.

Harris, M. S., Ellis, M. K., Pryor, K. N. (2020). Faculty perspectives. Data strategy in colleges and universities (pp. 128-141). New York, NY: Routledge.

Dawson OrrDawson R. Orr, Clinical Professor

Professional Offices

TASA Statewide Educational Facilities Standards Revision, Chairperson, Austin, TX, United States, approximately 50 hours spent for the year, Yes, appointed, Pro Bono, State, Provide updated Educational Facilities Standards that school districts are legally obligated to follow in designing and building facilities. (January 30, 2019 - July 2020).
Revised the Educational Facilities Standards in the Texas Education Code for submission to the Commissioner of Education.

Teaching & Learning

Jill AllorJill H. Allor, Professor

Awards and Honors

University Distinguished Professor, 天美传媒, Scholarship/Research, University. (July 6, 2020). honor reserved for 天美传媒 faculty members who demonstrate the highest levels of academic achievement


Allor, J. H., Cheatham, J. P., Al Otaiba, S. (2020). Friends on the Block Lessons and Readers, Levels 13 and 14. Dallas, TX: Friends on the Block (self-published).

Conner, C. L., Baker, D. L., Allor, J. H. (2020). Multiple language exposure for children with autism spectrum disorder from culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Bilingual Research Journal, 43.

Allor, J. H., Yovanoff, P., Al Otaiba, S., Ortiz, M. B., Conner, C. (2020). Evidence for a literacy intervention for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 55, 290-302.

Editorial Activities

American Journal for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Editor, Associate Editor. (2019 - 2021).


Allor, J. H. (Principal), Al Otaiba, S. (Co-Principal), Benner, G. (Principal), Grant, "Examining the Efficacy of Friends on the Block: An Intensive Early Intervention for Elementary Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disability (Project Intensity)", Institute of Education Sciences, Federal, $3,299,942.00, Funded. (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2025).

Al Otaiba, S. (Principal), Allor, J. H. (Co-Principal), Yovanoff, P. (Co-Principal), Kamata, A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Project FOCUS: Exploring RTI implementation with a focus on students receiving Tier 3 and special education.", Institute of Educational Sciences, US Dept of Education, Federal, $1,600,000.00, Funded. (2016 - June 30, 2020).

Karla del RosalKarla del Rosal, Clinical Assistant Professor


Wilhelm, A. G., del Rosal, K., Wu, S., Woods, D. (2020). Journal Article: Refining an advice network: exploring beginning teachers’ decisions about advice providers. Teacher Education Quarterly, 47(3), 96-119.



Francesca GoFrancesca Go, Clinical Associate Professor


Jones, F. G. (2020). Reading Mindset Measure.

Publications submitted or under revision

Conner, C. L., Yovanoff, P., Jones, F. G., Gifford, D. B. Examining Issues in Interrater Agreement on an Observation Measure: the Systematic Observation of Language and Reading.

Kent, S., Jones, F. G., Al Otaiba, S., Petcher, Y., Wanzek, J. Predictors of  response to reading for a fourth grade reading intervention.

Amy RichardsonAmy M. Richardson, Clinical Associate Professor


Cohen, J. (Principal), Wilhelm, A. G. (Co-Principal), Richardson, A. M. (Supporting), Grant, "Simulations in Teacher Education: Systematic Replication Research to Improve the Preparation of Teachers", Robertson Foundation, State, $50,000.00, Funded. (July 1, 2020 - May 30, 2023).

Ware, P. (Principal), Ferrell, A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Raising Texas Teachers", Raise Your Hand Texas Foundation, State, $200,000.00, Funded. (August 1, 2017 - 2021).

Quentin-SedlacekQuentin C. Sedlacek, Assistant Professor

Editorial Activities

Science Educators for Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice (SEEDS), Reviewer, Conference Paper, approximately 10 hours spent for the year, No, neither, Pro Bono. (November 2020 - December 2021).
I reviewed submissions for the 2020 SEEDS Conference (postponed to January 2021) and the 2021 Conference (postponed to January 2022).

NARST Annual Conference, Reviewer, Conference Paper, approximately 10 hours spent for the year, No, neither, Pro Bono. (September 2019 - November 2021).
I served as a peer reviewer for blinded submissions to the 2020 and 2022 Annual NARST conferences.

Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education, Reviewer, Journal Article, approximately 10 hours spent for the year, Yes, appointed, Pro Bono. (December 2020 - March 2021).
I served as a peer reviewer for manuscripts submitted to the Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education.

AERA Science Teaching and Learning (STL) SIG, Reviewer, Conference Paper, approximately 10 hours spent for the year, No, neither, Pro Bono. (August 2020 - September 2020).
I served as a reviewer for AERA Annual Conference submissions to the Science Teaching & Learning SIG.

British Journal of Educational Psychology, Reviewer, Journal Article, approximately 10 hours spent for the year, Yes, appointed, Pro Bono. (February 2020 - March 2020).
I served as an invited peer reviewer for a blinded manuscript submitted to the British Journal of Educational Psychology.

Jeanna WieselmannJeanna R. Wieselmann, Assistant Professor

Awards and Honors

Outstanding Reviewer, Association for Science Teacher Education, Service, Professional, International. (January 11, 2020).
Recognized as an outstanding reviewer of conference proposals


Sivaraj, R., Ellis, J. A., Wieselmann, J. R., Roehrig, G. H. (2020). Computational participation and the learner-technology pairing in K-12 STEM education. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2(4), 387-400.

Smith-Colin, J. A., Wieselmann, J. R. (2020). Effective identity-safety cues for assuaging social identity threat  of young Black girls in STEM. American Society for Engineering Education.

Nam, Y., Yoon, J., Wieselmann, J. R. (2020). Gender differences in gifted elementary students’  decision-making about renewable energy: Social relationships, values, and authority. American Society for Engineering Education.

Wieselmann, J. R., Duschl, R., Reiley, K., Berry, K. (2020). Student dispositions toward STEM: Exploring an  engineering summer camp for underrepresented students. American Society for Engineering Education.

Ellis, J. A., Wieselmann, J. R., Sivaraj, R., Roehrig, G. H., Dare, E. A., Ring-Whalen, E. A. (2020). Toward a productive definition of technology in science and STEM education. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 20(3).

Wieselmann, J. R., Ring-Whalen, E. A., Roehrig, G. H. (2020). What is engineering? A comparative case  study of elementary students’ conceptions of engineering across STEM and non-STEM schools. American Society for Engineering Education.

Wieselmann, J. R., Roehrig, G. H., Kim, J. N. (2020). Who succeeds in STEM? Elementary girls’ attitudes  and beliefs about self and STEM. School Science and Mathematics, 120(5), 297-308.

Wieselmann, J. R., Dare, E. A., Ring鈥怶halen, E. A., Roehrig, G. H. (2020). “I just do what the boys tell me”: Exploring small group student interactions in an integrated STEM unit. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(1), 112-144.

Editorial Activities

Journal of Science Teacher Education, Editorial Review Board Member, Pro Bono. (2019 - 2025).

Innovations in Science Teacher Education, Editorial Review Board Member, Pro Bono. (2018 - 2024).

Routledge, Reviewer, Book, Compensated. (2020 - 2022).

Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Reviewer, Journal Article, Pro Bono. (2019 - 2022).

American Society for Engineering Education, Reviewer, Conference Paper, Pro Bono. (2018 - 2021).

British Journal of Educational Psychology, Reviewer, Journal Article, Pro Bono. (2020).

Computer-Based Learning in Context, Reviewer, Journal Article, Pro Bono. (2020).

Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, Reviewer, Journal Article, Pro Bono. (2020).

Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, Reviewer, Journal Article, Pro Bono. (2020).

Professional Offices

NARST: A Worldwide Organization for Improving Science Teaching and Learning Through Research, Committee Member, Pro Bono. (2020 - 2022).
Elections Committee

Association for Science Teacher Education, Committee Member, Pro Bono. (2019 - 2021).
Awards Committee

Paul YovanoffPaul Yovanoff, Professor


Wilhelm, A. (Co-Principal), Yovanoff, P., Adams, E. (Supporting), Wilson, J. (Principal), Walkowiak, T. (Supporting), Grant, "Validation of the Equity and Access Rubrics for Mathematics Instruction", National Science Foundation, National, $2,296,493.00, Funded. (July 2019 - June 2023).

Al Otaiba, S. (Principal), Allor, J. H. (Co-Principal), Yovanoff, P. (Co-Principal), Kamata, A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Project FOCUS: Exploring RTI implementation with a focus on students receiving Tier 3 and special education.", Institute of Educational Sciences, US Dept of Education, Federal, $1,600,000.00, Funded. (2016 - June 30, 2020).