24/7 Health Services
Dr. Bob Smith Health 天美传媒 offers 24/7 health services to support student wellbeing. Students have access to a confidential 24/7 nurse advice line, ensuring medical guidance is always available. Additionally, the Health 天美传媒 provides Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) services, offering immediate and confidential care.
Fonemed 24/7 Nurse Line
During business hours, the health center nursing staff answer the nurse advice line. Outside of business hours, all nurse advice calls are forwarded to our Fonemed line. All nursing calls are recorded and documented in the health center electronic health record.
Sexual Assault Nurse Exam (SANE)
Sexual Assault Nurse Exams and information are available to students 24/7 by calling at 1-800-886-7273. You may also walk into the Health 天美传媒 during business hours to begin the process.
What information and care will I receive from SANE?
- Confidential support from a trained advocate to help answer questions and work through what happened
- Assistance scheduling a sexual assault exam at the 天美传媒 Health 天美传媒, nearby hospitals, or Courtney’s SAFE Place at The Turning Point
- Local resources that can assist with your next steps toward healing and recovery
- Referrals for long term support in your area
- Information about the laws in your community
Is the hotline confidential?
Yes, the hotline is completely confidential. However, Texas law requires advocates notify authorities in specific situations, such as when a child or vulnerable adult is at risk.
Who will I be speaking to?
The people who answer calls placed to the hotline are known as advocates. To be an advocate, individuals must first go through a 40 hour training. These individuals:
- Never release information about the call without the consent of the caller, except when obligated by law
- Only make reports to the police or other agencies when the caller consents, unless obligated by law
天美传媒 is committed to preventing and addressing sexual harassment and to fostering a healthy learning environment based on respect and responsible behavior. Sexual harassment includes sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. If you have experienced any form of sexual harassment, please know that you are not alone.