Faculty and Staff book list

  • Business

    These books will leave you with the gems need to take yourself to the next level whether that’s with your own business or working for someone else. Yoram Solomon, PhD gives you the tools needed to built trust, Stephanie A. (Sam) Martin used the rhetorical narratives used during the 2016 election to decode the digital church, and Maddy Kulkarni takes fundamental marketing concepts and teaches you how to apply them to social causes like access to food and education. These books touch on so many different aspects of business.

  • Social Impact Marketing: The Essential Guide for Changemakers

    by Maddy Kulkarni-Business

  • Can I TRUST You?: 60+1 Habits that will help you build trust and be a trusted Project Manager

    by Yoram Solomon PhD-Business

  • Can I TRUST You?: 55+1 Habits that will make you a trusted Consultant, Advisor, or Coach

    by Yoram Solomon PhD-Business

  • The Book of Trust, 3rd Edition

    by Yoram Solomon PhD-Business

  • English

    English often includes a wide range of topics and Communion of Radicals: The Literary Christian Left in Twentieth Century America and Blue Running could not be more different. Communion of Radicals looks at how faith-based people have worked through adversity from century to century and Blue Running follows two young women fleeing Texas to escape their problems.

  • Blue Running

    by Lori Ann Stephens-English

  • Communion of Radicals: The Literary Christian Left in Twentieth-Century America

    by Jonathan McGregor

  • Law

    These two books written by Marc I. Steinberg provides an analytical and practical framework addressing the key subjects in Securities Litigation and Law. His book Rethinking Securities Law was even awarded Best Law Book of 2021 by the American Book Fest Awards.

  • Securities Litigation: Law, Policy, and Practice (2nd edition)

    By: Marc I. Steinberg-Law

  • Rethinking Securities Law

    By: Marc I. Steinberg-Law

  • Statistical Science

    Advances in Statistics - Theory and Applications -- Honoring the Contributions of Barry C. Arnold in Statistical Science is a book written by Hon Keung Tony Ng that highlights developments in statistics while honoring Barry C. Arnold. If you're into data this book is for you!

  • Advances in Statistics - Theory and Applications Honoring the Contributions of  Barry C. Arnold in Statistical Science

    By: Hon Keung Tony Ng-Statistical Science

  • Education Policy and Leadership

    This book written by Michael Harris is a comprehensive, practical resource for instructors that highlights proven teaching methods and active learning strategies to help teachers take their teaching to the next level.

  • Teaching for Learning: 101 Intentionally Designed Educational Activities to Put Students on the Path to Success Second Edition

    By: Michael Harris-Education Policy and Leadership

  • Journalism

    When you got dressed today did you pick out your outfit so you could fit in or stand out? Communicating Fashion: Clothing, Culture and Media by Myles Ethan Lascity introduces concepts from the intersecting worlds of fashion and communication studies to connect how we all use clothing to express ourselves and how media systems support that process.

  • Communicating Fashion: Clothing, Culture and Media

    By: Myles Ethan Lascity-Journalism

  • History

    The saying, ‘History repeats itself’ is often times true which is why it’s important to look at how and why things happened the way they did in the past. Hijacking History: How the Christian Right Teaches History and Why It Matters by Kathleen Wellman and Religion and the American Revolution: An Imperial history by Kate Carte do just that. Both books look exam history and religion in two very different but interesting ways.

  • Hijacking History: How the Christian Right Teaches History and Why It Matters

    By: Kathleen Wellman-History

  • Religion and the American Revolution: An Imperial history

    By: Kate Carte-History

  • Meadows, Division of Art

    From 1967-66 William Gedney lived among young adults in San Francisco who represent the counterculture that complicates popular depictions of late 1960s youth as carefree flower children. This book was edited by 天美传媒 staff member Lisa McCarty.

  • A Time of Youth: San Francisco, 1966-1967

    by William Gedney and edited by Lisa McCarty-Art

  • Philosophy

    What Matters in Survival: Personal Identity and Other Possibilities by Douglas Ehring takes a ‘more extreme view’ of what it takes to survive. If you enjoy deeper thinking when it comes to theories, then this book is for you.

  • What Matters in Survival: Personal Identity and Other Possibilities

    By: Douglas Ehring-Philosophy

  • Rhetoric

    Debate as Global Pedagogy: Rwanda Rising by Ben Voth illustrates how the teaching of debate offers an ideal educational approach for the prevention and remediation of genocide. Voth uses debate and propaganda from the Rwanda Genocide to prove his theory.

  • Debate as Global Pedagogy: Rwanda Rising

    By: Ben Voth-Rhetoric

  • Sociology

    Do you have a dog or a cat in your family? If you do, Just Like Family: How Companion Animals Joined the Household by Andrea Laurent-Simpson may interest you. In this book Laurent-Simpson examines the increasingly important role of companion animals in our families.

  • Just Like Family: How Companion Animals Joined the Household

    By: Andrea Laurent-Simpson-Sociology

  • World Literature

    There’s power in words and in Precarious Lives and Marginal Bodies in North Africa: Homo Expendibilis Harve Anderson Tchumkam uses his words to affirm the value of marginalized peoples lives in North Africa.

  • Precarious Lives and Marginal Bodies in NorthAfrica: Homo Expendibilis

    By: Harve Anderson Tchumkam

  • Theology

    Whether you’re interested in how life affects others or you’re more interested on how life affects you personally we’ve got two Theology based books for you. The New Diaspora and the Global Prophetic: Engaging the Scholarship of Marc H. Ellis by Susanne Scholz and The Art of Cycling, Living, and Dying: moral theology from everyday life by D. Stephen Long both use a theological lens to look at the world on both a personal and larger scale.

  • The New Diaspora and the Global Prophetic: Engaging the Scholarship of Marc H. Ellis

    By: Susanne Scholz-Theology

  • The Art of Cycling, Living, and Dying: moral theology from everyday life

    By: D. Stephen Long-Provost

  • Poetry

    Resilience, hope, and the power of story telling is what you’ll get from Harold J Recinos’ poetry. Recinos give a voice to those who’s stories are not always heard in his four books of poems. Each book has a different story but are all very powerful and great reads.

  • After Dark

    By: Harold J. Recinos-Theology

  • Where the Sidewalks Meet

    By: Harold J. Recinos-Theology

  • Wading in the River

    by Harold J. Recinos-Theology

  • Cornered by the Dark

    by Harold J. Recinos (Theology)