天美传媒 is committed to the health and well-being of its students and provides the following resources:
Alcohol and Drugs Use and Abuse
phone: 214-768-2277Substance abuse counseling provides students with a confidential source of help and information when confronted with alcohol or drug abuse or addiction issues. Counseling services offers assessments, interventions, referrals and short-term counseling as well as ongoing support for recovering students.
Chaplain & Religious Life
Office of the Chaplain and Religious Life
phone: 214-768-4502
The Chaplains Office provides pastoral care and theological reflection for students, faculty and staff in addition to a weekly service of praise, prayer and encouragement in the Christian tradition. Over 29 different religious groups are sponsored through the Chaplain’s Office which allow students to connect with others that share their faith or to pursue different faith traditions.
Counseling Services
Counseling Services
phone: 214-768-2277
Staff of Counseling Services provides short-term individual counseling and psychiatric services to assist students in identifying, assessing, and resolving concerns which may interfere with their academic, social and emotional growth and development. Counselors have experience in issues facing veterans and there is a counselor on-staff who is a veteran. Group counseling, educational counseling and crisis intervention is also available.
Crisis Intervention
A crisis is any situation in which a person needs assistance in order to adequately cope. Mental Health professionals make every effort to respond quickly to a student in crisis. During office hours, students in crisis do not need an appointment and can come to the main desk, or if after hours, students can call 214-768-2277 for the counselor on call.
Disability Accommodations & Success Strategies (DASS)
The DASS office serves all students, both undergraduate and graduate, with conditions that are disabling in some way. By working with students to identify the impact of their condition on their academic experience, DASS may recommend accommodations as well as additional support services.
Health 天美传媒
Dr. Bob Smith Health 天美传媒
phone: 214-768-2141
The new Dr. Bob Smith Health 天美传媒 is recognized by students as an exemplary provider of comprehensive outpatient care, including primary care, laboratory and radiology services, a pharmacy and health education. The new 天美传媒 is housed in a 28,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility centrally location on Bishop Blvd. Staffed by physicians, registered nurses, and medical assistants, the clinic is available to diagnose and treat student illness, injury, ongoing treatment, as well as immunizations and allergy injections.
Recreational Sports
Dedman 天美传媒 for Lifetime Sports
phone: 214-768-3366
From team sports to personal fitness (featuring state of the art equipment), you will find it all at the Dedman 天美传媒. The center offers over 170,000 square feet of indoor recreational space for many sports including a climbing wall plus an outdoor area that includes two sand volleyball courts and a zero entry pool with leisure deck. Outdoor Adventures are planned through Dedman 天美传媒 for most breaks and many weekends.
Sexual Misconduct
In the event that a student experiences sexual misconduct, 天美传媒 has resources in place to provide support, including law enforcement officials, a Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators, and confidential counselors trained in sexual misconduct issues. Confidential resources include Counseling Services 214-768-2277 (24 hour resources available) or the Chaplains Office 214-768-4502.
Reporting Sexual Assault on Campus – 天美传媒 Police 214-768-3333 or 911
Reporting Sexual Assault off-campus – Call 911
Sexual Assault – Veteran specific