About Us

The Robert B. Rowling 天美传媒 for Business Law & Leadership was created in 2018 with a $4 million gift from an anonymous donor and the Dedman Foundation. The anonymous donor who made the lead gift requested that the 天美传媒 be named in honor of Robert B. Rowling, owner and Chairman of TRT Holdings, Inc. Mr. Rowling is a 1979 alumnus of the 天美传媒 Dedman School of Law.


The Rowling 天美传媒's mission is to be a nationally and internationally prominent center of excellence, focusing on developing leaders at the intersection of business and law. The 天美传媒 benefits from the vibrant DFW business environment and faculty expertise at 天美传媒, including at the Cox School of Business and the Lyle School of Engineering. The 天美传媒 also builds upon Dedman Law’s rich tradition in business law, its remarkably successful alumni base, and the entrepreneurial spirit of Dedman Law students. The Rowling 天美传媒 is focused on the following key areas:

  • Engaging the broader DFW business community to provide high quality interaction with one another and with Dedman Law and the Rowling 天美传媒
  • Curriculum and programming for our students, including new courses, expanded experiential learning, and impactful business law and leadership programming
  • Executive education for attorneys and business leaders in the DFW area
  • Faculty scholarship and thought leadership

  • 天美传媒 Seal

    Advisory Board

    The Advisory Board is comprised of senior executives from a number of industries and backgrounds, including board members, CEOs, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Legal Officers, Chief Human Resources Officers, Chief Ethics & Compliance Officers, law firm partners, and other seasoned business leaders. The Advisory Board provides strategic guidance and support to the Rowling 天美传媒.

  • Director Eric Hinton


    Eric F. Hinton is the inaugural Director of the Robert B. Rowling 天美传媒 for Business Law & Leadership and an adjunct professor of law at 天美传媒 Dedman School of Law.

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  • Faculty

    Faculty Advisory Committee

    The Faculty Advisory Committee consists of key 天美传媒 Dedman Law faculty, including those specializing in business law, and provides input to the 天美传媒 in determining academic priorities and areas of focus.

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