Joe Phua


Endowed Distinguished Chair and Professor of Advertising
Temerlin Advertising Institute






Dr. Joe Phua is the Endowed Distinguished Chair and a Professor of Advertising in the Temerlin Advertising Institute at 天美传媒. He earned his Ph.D. in 2011 from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of 天美传媒 California (USC). Phua’s research examines the uses and effects of emerging communication technologies on advertising and branding outcomes, as well as in health communication and sports marketing contexts. His research has been published in top journals including the Journal of Communication, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Health Communication, Computers in Human Behavior, Telematics and Informatics, Journal of Consumer Behavior, International Journal of Consumer Studies, and Journal of Brand Management, among others. Phua has won several Top Research Paper awards, including at the annual meetings of the International Communication Association (ICA), National Communication Association (NCA), American Academy of Advertising (AAA) and the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), and the 2012 Dissertation of the Year award from the ICA and NCA’s Health Communication Divisions.

He has served as PI or co-PI on over $4.5 million in external research funding from sources including the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the American Academy of Advertising (AAA). His research has been featured in major media outlets including National Public Radio (NPR), ABC News, Men’s Health and Newsweek. Phua currently serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Advertising, and on the editorial review boards of International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, and Journal of Interactive Advertising. Prior to his academic career, Phua worked at MTV Networks, Viacom, Paramount Pictures and the Interpublic Group (IPG) in Los Angeles, California.

View CV



Ph.D., Communication, University of 天美传媒 California, 2011
M.A., Communication Management, University of 天美传媒 California, 2004
B.A., Cinema-Television, University of 天美传媒 California, 2002

Recent Work


  1. Nikolinakou, A., Phua, J., & Kwon, E.S. (2024). What Drives Addiction on Social Media Sites? The Relationships between Psychological Well-Being States, Social Media Addiction, Brand Addiction, and Impulse Buying on Social Media. Computers in Human Behavior. DOI:10.1016/J.CHB.2023.108086

  2. Lee, Y., Hsu, Y., Phua, J., Wu, T., & Hachman, S. (2024). Encouraging Positive Dialog towards COVID-19 Vaccines on Social Media using Hope Appeals, Celebrity Types and Emoticons. Mass Communication and Society.

  3. Phua, J., Evans, N., Ko, Y., & Lee, J. (2024). Can Virtual, CGI-Generated, Influencers Help Sell Products on Instagram? Effects of Perceived Realism and Disclosure on Brand-Related Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising.

  4. Ko, Y., & Phua, J. (2024). Effects of Eco-Labels and Perceived Influencer Expertise on Perceived Healthfulness, Perceived Product Quality, and Behavioral Intention. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising.

  5. Nikolinakou, A., & Phua, J. (2023). Do Human Values find Genuine Expression on Social Media Platforms? The Influence of Human Values on Millennials’ Social Media Activities. Internet Research. DOI:10.1108/INTR-03-2022-0182

  6. Phua, J., & Lim, D.J. (2022). Can Warning labels mitigate Effects of Advertising Message Claims in Celebrity-Endorsed Instagram-Based Electronic Cigarette Advertisements? Influence on Social Media Users’ E-Cigarette Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions. Journal of Marketing Communications, 29(5), 455-475.

  7. Pfeuffer, A., & Phua, J. (2022). Stranger Danger? Cue-based Trust in Online Consumer Product Review Videos. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 46, 964-983.
  8. Nikolinakou, A., Phua, J., & Kwon, E.S. (2021). What drives Loyal Fans of Brand Pages to take Action? The Effects of Self-Expansion and Flow on Loyal Page Fans’ Sharing and Creation Activities. Journal of Brand Management, 28, 559-577.
  9. Liu, ,Phua, J., Krugman, D., Xu, L., Nowak, G., & Popova, L. (2021). Do Young Adults Attend to Health Warnings in the First IQOS Advertisement in the U.S.? An Eye-Tracking Approach. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 23(5), 815-822.
  10. Byon, K., Phua, J. (2021). Digital and Interactive Marketing Communication in Sports. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 21(2), 75-78.
  11. Pan, P., Phua, J., & Woo, C.W. (2021). Understanding How Consumers Perceive Brand Personality through Sports Sponsorship. Journal of Sports Media, 16(2). 87-110.
  12. Pan, P., & Phua, J. (2021). Connecting Sponsor Brands through Sports Competitions: An Identity Approach to Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty. Sport, Business, Management: An International Journal, 11(2), 164-184.
  13. Phua, J., Jin, S.V., & Kim, J. (2020). Pro-Veganism on Instagram: Effects of User-Generated Content (UGC) Types and Content Generator Types in Instagram-Based Health Marketing Communication about Veganism. Online Information Review, 44(3), 685-704.
  14. Tsai, J., Phua, J., Pan, S., & Yang, C.C. (2020). Intergroup Contact, COVID-19 News Consumption, and the Moderating Role of Digital Media Trust on Prejudice toward Asians in the U.S.: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(9), e22767.
  15. Phua, J., Jin, S.V., & Kim, J. (2020). The Roles of Celebrity Endorsers’ and Consumers’ Vegan Identity in Marketing Communication about Veganism. Journal of Marketing Communications, 26(8), 813-835.
  16. Kim, T., & Phua, J. (2020). Effects of Brand Name versus Empowerment Advertising Campaign Hashtags in Branded Instagram Posts of Luxury versus Mass-market Brands. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 20(2), 95-110.
  17. Lee, Y., Phua, J., & Wu, T. (2020). Marketing a Health Brand on Facebook: Effects of Reaction Icons and User Comments on Brand Attitude, Trust, Purchase Intention, and eWOM Intention. Health Marketing Quarterly, 37(2), 138-154.
  18. Nikolinakou, A., &Phua, J. (2020). Do Human Values matter for Promoting Brands on Social Media?: How Social Media Users’ Values influence their Engagement with Sharing, Content Creation and Reviews. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 19(1), 13-23.
  19. Phua, J. (2019). E-Cigarette Marketing on Social Networking Sites: Effects on Attitudes, Behavioral Control, Intention to Quit and Self-Efficacy. Journal of Advertising Research, 59(2), 242-254.
  20. Phua, J. (2019). Participation in Electronic Cigarette-Related Social Media Communities: Effects on Attitudes towards Quitting, Self-efficacy, and Intention to Quit. Health Marketing Quarterly, 36(4), 322-336.
  21. Phua, J., & Kim, J. (2018). Starring in Your Own Snapchat Advertisement: Influence of Self-Brand Congruity, Self-Referencing and Perceived Humor on Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention of Advertised Brands. Telematics and Informatics, 35(5), 1524-1533.
  22. Phua, J., Lin, J.S., & Lim, D.J. (2018). Understanding Consumer Engagement with Celebrity-Endorsed E-Cigarette Advertising on Instagram. Computers in Human Behavior, 84, 93-102.
  23. Phua, J., Pan, P. & Chen, K. (2018). Sport Team-Endorsed Brands on Facebook: Effects of Game Outcome (Win/Loss), Location (Home/Away) and Team Identification on Fans' Brand Evaluations. Online Information Review, 42(4), 438-450.
  24. Hagues, R., Stotz, S., Childers, A., Phua, J., Hibbs, J., Murray, D., & and Lee, J. (2018). Social Marketing Nutrition Education for Low-Income Population. Social Work in Public Health, 33(5), 317-328.
  25. Phua, J., Jin, S.V., & Hahm, J. (2018). Celebrity-Endorsed E-cigarette Brand Instagram Advertisements: Effects on Young Adults’ Attitudes towards E-cigarettes and Smoking Intentions. Journal of Health Psychology, 23(4), 550-560.
  26. Evans, N., Phua, J., Lim, D.J., & Jun, H. (2018). Disclosing Instagram Influencer Advertising: The Effects of Disclosure Language on Advertising Recognition, Attitudes, and Behavioral Intent. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 17(2), 138-149.
  27. Choi, Y., Phua, J., Armstrong, K., & An, S. (2017). Negotiating the Cultural Steps in Developing an Online Intervention for Korean American Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 26(8), 920-936.
  28. Phua, J., Jin, S.V., & Kim, J. (2017). Uses and Gratifications of Social Networking Sites for Bridging and Bonding Social Capital: A Comparison of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 115-122.
  29. Ahn, S.J., Phua, J., & Shan, Y. (2017). Self-Endorsing in Digital Advertisements: Using Virtual Selves to Persuade Physical Selves. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, 110-121.
  30. Phua, J., Jin, S.V., & Kim, J. (2017). Gratifications of using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat to follow Brands: The Moderating Effect of Social Comparison, Trust, Tie Strength, and Network Homophily on Brand Identification, Brand Engagement, Brand Commitment, and Membership Intention. Telematics and Informatics, 34(1), 412-424.
  31. Phua, J., & Ahn, S.J. (2016). Explicating the “Like” on Facebook Brand Pages: The Effect of Intensity of Facebook Use, Number of Overall “Likes”, and Number of Friends’ “Likes” on Consumers’ Brand Outcomes. Journal of Marketing Communications, 22(5), 544-559.
  32. Chen, K., & Phua, J. (2016). Self-Categorization Process in Sport: An Examination of the “Linsanity” Phenomenon in Taiwan. Sport Management Review, 19(4), 431-440.
  33. Phua, J. (2016). The Effects of Similarity, Parasocial Identification, and Source Credibility in Obesity Public Service Announcements (PSAs) on Diet and Exercise Self-Efficacy. Journal of Health Psychology, 21(5), 699-708.
  34. Phua, J., & Tinkham, S. (2016). Authenticity in Obesity Public Service Announcements (PSAs): Influence of Spokesperson Type, Viewer Weight and Source Credibility on Diet, Exercise, Information Seeking, and eWoM Intentions. Journal of Health Communication, 21(3), 337-345.
  35. Jin, S.V., & Phua, J. (2016). Making Reservations Online: The Impact of Consumer-Written and System-Aggregated User-Generated Content (UGC) in Travel Booking Websites on Consumers' Behavioral Intentions. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 33(1), 101-117.
  36. Hagues, R., Childers, A., Lee, J., & Phua, J. (2016). Nutrition Education for Low-Income Population through Social Marketing: Insight from SNAP-Ed Eligible Participants. FASEB Journal, 30(1 Supplement), 901-24.
  37. White, A., Hagues, R., Childers, A., Lee, J.S., Olubajo, B., & Phua, J. (2016). Social Media Usage Pattern among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) Eligible Individuals in Georgia. FASEB Journal, 30(1 Supplement), 410-5.
  38. Hagues, R., Stotz, S., Childers, A., Lee, J., Phua, J., Hibbs, J., & Murray, D. (2016). Nutrition Education for Low-Income Population through Social Marketing: Insight from Cooperative Extension Agents. FASEB Journal, 30(1 Supplement), 901-23.
  39. Park, J., Phua, J., Suh, Y., & Martin, T.G. (2016). When Good Athletes Go Bad: The Impact of the Tiger Woods Scandal on Consumers’ Perceptions of his Brand Endorsements. Global Sport Business Journal, 4(2), 41-54.
  40. Jin, S.V., Phua, J., & Lee, K.M. (2015). Telling Stories About Breastfeeding Through Facebook: The Impact of User-Generated Content (UGC) on Pro-Breastfeeding Attitudes. Computers in Human Behavior, 46, 6-17.
  41. Jin, S.V., & Phua, J. (2015). The Moderating Effect of Computer Users' Autotelic Need for Touch on Brand Trust, Perceived Brand Excitement, and Brand Placement Awareness in Haptic Games and In-Game Advertising. Computers in Human Behavior, 43, 58-67.
  42. Phua, J. (2014). The Influence of Asian-American Spokesmodels in Technology-Related Advertising: An Experiment. Howard Journal of Communications, 25(4), 399-414.
  43. Phua, J. (2014). Quitting Smoking using Health Issue-Specific Social Networking Sites (SNSs): What influences Participation, Social Identification, and Smoking Cessation Self-Efficacy? Journal of Smoking Cessation, 9(1), 39-51.
  44. Jin, S.V., & Phua, J. (2014). Following Celebrities’ Tweets about Brands: The Impact of Twitter-Based Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWoM) on Consumers’ Source Credibility Perception, Buying Intention, and Social Identification with Celebrities. Journal of Advertising, 43(2), 181-195.
  45. Phua, J. (2013). Participating in Health Issue-Specific Social Networking Sites (SNSs) to Quit Smoking: How does Online Social Interconnectedness influence Smoking Cessation Self-Efficacy? Journal of Communication, 63(5), 933-952.
  46. Phua, J. (2013). The Reference Group Perspective for Smoking Cessation: An Examination of the Influence of Social Norms and Social Identification with Reference Groups on Smoking Cessation Self-Efficacy. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27(1), 102-112.
  47. Phua, J. (2012). Use of Social Networking Sites by Sports Fans: Implications for the Creation and Maintenance of Social Capital. Journal of Sports Media, 7(1), 109-132.
  48. Phua, J., & Jin, S.V. (2011). Finding a Home Away from Home: Use of Social Networking Sites by Asia-Pacific Students in the United States for Bridging and Bonding Social Capital. Asian Journal of Communication, 21(5), 504-519.
  49. Phua, J. (2011). The Influence of Peer Norms and Popularity on Smoking and Drinking Behavior among College Fraternity Members: A Social Network Analysis. Social Influence, 6(3), 1-17.
  50. Phua, J. (2010). Sports Fans and Media Use: Influence on Sports Fan Identification and Collective Self-esteem. International Journal of Sport Communication, 3(2), 190-206.

Editorial Boards

  1. Associate Editor, Journal of Advertising
  2. International Journal of Advertising
  3. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising
  4. Journal of Interactive Advertising


Distinctions (Selected List)

  1. Top Paper Award 2022, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Advertising Division.
  2. Research Fellowship Competition Award 2021-2022, American Academy of Advertising (AAA).
  3. Best Article Award 2018 of “Journal of Interactive Advertising”, American Academy of Advertising (AAA).
  4. Top Paper Award 2016, International Communication Association (ICA), Sports Communication Interest Group.
  5. Dissertation of the Year Award 2012, International Communication Association (ICA) and National Communication Association (NCA), Health Communication Divisions.
  6. Top Student Paper Award 2009, National Communication Association (NCA), Human Communication and Technology Division.
  7. Top Student Paper Award 2008, International Communication Association (ICA), Intergroup Communication Interest Group.

Course list

Social Media Engagement Strategies ADV 6320 
Advertising Internship ADV 3150
Advertising Internship ADV 3250
Advertising Internship  ADV 3350
Joe Phua