
Meadows Dance Application, Admission and Auditions 

In order to pursue a BFA or a minor in Dance Performance at 天美传媒, applicants must apply and gain admission to both 天美传媒 and to the Division of Dance via audition. It is recommended that applicants apply to 天美传媒 and to Meadows in the same semester. Registration for the dance auditions is found within the Meadows Dance Application. Read more about the audition and how to access the Meadows Dance Application below. 

Audition Dates, Types and Deadlines for 2024-25

There are three types of auditions this year: on-campus auditions, regional auditions and third-party auditions at dance events via various high schools and conferences. Registration for Dance auditions is found within the online Meadows Dance Application. You’ll submit your Meadows Dance Application, which includes a headshot, dance résumé, and short written response to a prompt provided in the application. After your application has been submitted, you will receive an email with a link to your online status page where you can log in and register for your audition or submit your recorded audition. See further below for information on how to access the Meadows Dance Application.

Submit your completed Meadows Dance Application and audition registration at least three days prior to your audition date. Since audition spots fill quickly, we encourage early registration.

Early Action/Early Decision I Auditions

  • Saturday, October 12, 2024
  • Saturday, November 23, 2024

Regular Decision/Early Decision II Auditions

  • Saturday, January 25, 2025
  • Saturday, February 15, 2025


  • Auditionees should wear dancewear that does not impede movement of the body and that is form-fitting so that the faculty adjudicators can see alignment and movement particularities. We suggest full-length, non-footed tights and form-fitting tops or leotards. No loose-fitting t-shirts, baggy pants, or shorts.
  • All candidates should bring both jazz shoes and ballet slippers. Auditionees will dance in bare feet for the modern portion of the audition. Pointe shoes are required only if they are needed for the solo.
  • All candidates should prepare a 90-120 second solo in their choice of ballet, modern, or jazz technique and must provide music either on a cellphone, computer, or USB drive. Solos are performed at the request of the faculty following the morning audition technique classes. Auditionees will be dismissed if they are not asked to perform their solo. 


Times are approximate and reflect Central Time Zone:

  • 9 a.m. - Welcome and Overview of the Day
  • 9:30 a.m. - Warm-up and Ballet Class
  • 10:30 a.m. - Break
  • 10:45 a.m. - Modern Class
  • 11:30 a.m. - Break
  • 11:45 a.m. - Jazz Class
  • 12:30 p.m. - Break
  • 1:15 p.m. - Solo Callback Announcement
    • At this point, auditionees will be notified if they will continue to the next round of the audition to perform their solo. If not called back to perform a solo, auditionees are dismissed.
  • 1:30-3:30 p.m. – Solos
    • Auditionees called back to perform their solo will also participate in a quick interview for approximately 5 five minutes.

For questions and more information about Dance auditions and submissions, email the Dance Division at


We welcome all candidates to begin their visit to 天美传媒 on the Fridays preceding auditions, during the optional Pre-Audition Day Visit, to become better acquainted with our facilities, students and faculty before their audition experience. 

  • Los Angeles, CA – October 15, 2024
  • Houston, TX – December 6, 2024


  • Auditionees should wear dancewear that does not impede movement of the body and that is form-fitting so that the faculty adjudicators can see alignment and movement particularities. We suggest full-length, non-footed tights and form-fitting tops or leotards. No loose-fitting t-shirts, baggy pants or shorts.
  • All candidates should bring both jazz shoes and ballet slippers. Auditionees will dance in bare feet for the modern portion of the audition. Pointe shoes are required only if they are needed for the solo.

All candidates should prepare a 90-120 second solo in their choice of ballet, modern or jazz technique and must provide music either on a cellphone, computer or USB drive. Solos are performed at the request of the faculty following the morning audition technique classes. Auditionees will be dismissed if they are not asked to perform their solo.

Faculty will attend various dance events across the country including Booker T. Washington HSPVA in Dallas and REVEL. Applicants who would like to be considered for admission can submit a Meadows Dance Application and select the appropriate Third-Party option. Auditionees will then participate in the audition process built into the dance event without registering for a separate dance audition.

In the Meadows Dance Application, applicants will find links to  – one ballet, one modern, and one jazz – that must be learned and performed in the recorded audition submission, using the same audio as heard in the videos. You’ll first submit your Meadows Dance Application, then upload your recorded audition via your Meadows Dance status page, which will be made available to your after the Meadows Dance Application has been submitted.

Submit your completed Meadows Dance Application and recorded audition (uploaded on the Meadows Dance Application status page) by or before the following dates:

  • November 1, 2024 if applying to 天美传媒 Early Action or Early Decision I
  • February 1, 2025 if applying to 天美传媒 Regular Decision or Early Decision II


The audition video should include:

  • Personal introduction (one minute or less)
  • Re-creation of all  (ballet, modern, and jazz) as seen in the videos found the Meadows Dance Application status page. Use the audio from the demonstration videos for your recorded audition. In the ballet component, alternate sides for the barre exercises, beginning on the right side for the first combination, then left on the second, right on the third, and left on the fourth.
  • Solo in your technique of choice that best showcases your abilities, 90-120 seconds. (For example, ballet, pointe, modern, or jazz.)

Follow-up interview:

If faculty want to further consider a candidate who has sent in a recorded audition, the applicant will receive an invitation by email to talk with the faculty via Zoom. In addition to questions, the applicant may be asked to execute dance combinations.

The recorded audition is submitted via the online Meadows Dance Application. Information about how to access the Meadows Dance Application is further below.

For questions and more information about recorded Dance auditions and submissions, email the Dance Division at

How to Access the Meadows Dance Application portal

  • When you click on the “Start Your Meadows Application” button below, you are taken to a page titled “Your Application to 天美传媒.”
    • If you have already submitted an 天美传媒 application and have previously logged in to your personal status page, click “Log in” under “Returning Users,” using the same username and password.
    • If you have not yet applied to 天美传媒 and therefore have not received your 天美传媒 personal status page login credentials, see “First-time users” and click on “Create an account” to log in.
  • After logging in, scroll to the bottom of that page and click “Start New Application.”
  • In “Select application type,” choose “2025,” then in the drop-down menu select “Meadows Dance Application.” Click on “Create application.”
  • Once you have started or submitted your 天美传媒 and your Meadows Dance Application, you will be able to access your status page using your login credentials. At the top-right of the status page you will see a small toggle arrow where you can toggle between your 天美传媒 and your Meadows applications.


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M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. CST
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