Graduate Studies Audition Requirements

Please review the audition requirements listed below for area in the Master of Music in Performance or Performer's Diploma.

Please pick repertoire that shows your ability amongst other applicants. Show us what you can do while still be being comfortable in your playing. If you have specific questions on repertoire requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Master of Music degrees in Music Education, Composition, Conducting, Music History and Literature and Music Theory Pedagogy do not require an audition on a principal instrument (or voice).

Listed alphabetically by instrument.

Mozart Bassoon Concerto, mvt. 1 exposition; slow movement of choice from the standard concerto or recital repertoire, contrasting in style or period; three contrasting orchestral excerpts of the applicant's choice. In addition, the applicant may be asked to play a selection of major and harmonic minor scales up to high C.

One unaccompanied piece (excluding etudes); one standard concerto (all movements).

One movement from a standard recital piece or concerto. One Rose etude of your choice. Two orchestral excerpts.

One standard concerto; two contrasting movements from any unaccompanied cello suite by J.S. Bach; One 20th or 21st century work or a transcription of an earlier work (preferably originally composed by a female or person of color); four orchestral excerpts.

1st movement of either the Mozart Concerto in G or D Major; a second piece of your choice that contrasts stylistically with the Mozart concerto, preferably a French Conservatory piece; two movements of any Bach sonata.

GUITAR (Classical Guitar)
Two movements from a Bach suite; a theme and variations or sonata/allegro movement by Sor or Giuliani; two Villa-Lobos etudes; a contemporary work by a composer like Martin, Brouwer, Henze, etc.

Candidates should prepare:

  • 1 standard work from the harp repertoire (difficulty level similar to the Faure Impromptu or the Grandjany Rhapsodie)
  • 1 work from either the Baroque/Classical era or the Contemporary period
  • 1 cadenza from the following: Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti; Tzigane by Ravel; Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky; Vsherad from Ma Vlast by Smetana
  • 1 excerpt from the following: Wagner, Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde; Ravel, Alborada di gracioso, beginning to rehearsal 4; Bartok, Concerto for Orchestra mvt 4 and 5; Strauss, Death and Transfiguration, beginning to rehearsal C

Memorization is required for the solo pieces

1st movement expedition only of either 2nd or 4th Mozart Horn Concerto; entire 1st movement of the Strauss Horn Concerto No. 1; Schumann Adagio and Allegro for Horn and Piano, all of Adagio and measure 1-19 of Allegro; four to six contrasting orchestral excerpts that demonstrate loud and soft playing and high and low registers.

1st movement of the Mozart Concerto; Ferling Etude #1 and Ferling Etude #2.

ORGAN (Requires submission of a “pre-screening” video by December 1st)

Applicants should submit a repertoire list, CV, and prepare the following:

A video recording of at least three medium-difficult to difficult pieces from different stylistic periods. One of those must be a work by J. S. Bach. Three contrasting hymns, each one consisting of at least three stanzas and an introduction.


Graduate students should include a Baroque piece, a major Bach work, a piece in the romantic style, and a contemporary piece, preferably one demonstrating technical dexterity.

All auditioning organ students must include a complete repertoire list, specification of the organ on which the audition was recorded, when applicable, and a listing of the dates when each work was begun. Bring these to the audition or submit them with the recording.

A short sight-reading exercise will be administered at the audition.

PERCUSSION — audition on all of the following:
One two-mallet etude or solo, one four-mallet etude or solo; Preferably, one of these works should be from the Violin or Cello Suites of J.S. Bach and one should be contemporary. Three to five standard orchestral excerpts.

Any etude by Goodman, Hochrainer, or Delecluse using three or four drums, plus three to five standard orchestral excerpts.

One rudimental etude and one orchestral etude by Cirone, Delecluse or comparable. Plus three to five standard orchestral excerpts.

Three to five orchestral excerpts for cymbals, tambourine and/or triangle.

PIANO (Requires submission of a “pre-screening” video by December 1st)


  • Candidates auditioning for the MM in Performance or the MM in Performance and Pedagogy should prepare a video recording at least 25 minutes in length containing a minimum of 3 stylistic periods of solo repertoire, at least one from the Baroque or Classical periods. Not all movements of multi-movement works need be submitted for the pre-screening video.
  • Candidates audition for the Performer's Diploma should prepare a video recording at least 40 minutes in length containing a minimum of 3 stylistic periods of solo repertoire, at least one from the Baroque or Classical periods. Not all movements of multi-movement works need be submitted for the pre-screening video.


Audition repertoire should include pieces from a minimum of three stylistic periods. One of those pieces must be from the Baroque or Classical periods.

  • Candidates auditioning for the MM in Performance or the MM in Performance and Pedagogy should prepare a program of at least 40 minutes of memorized music from which the piano faculty may choose to hear at the live audition. For recorded auditions, please submit the entire program.
  • Candidates auditioning for the Performer's Diploma should prepare a recital program of at least 60 minutes of memorized music from which the piano faculty may choose to hear at the live audition. For video recorded auditions, please submit the entire recital program.

Any major concerto OR movements 1 & 2 or movements 2 & 3 of the Creston Saxophone Sonata; and major and minor scales.

Solo of choice; two contrasting etudes (i.e. one melodic, one technical); two orchestral excerpts; and major scales and arpeggios.

Two contrasting etudes; two contrasting solos (one movement from each solo is okay); at least 5 orchestral excerpts of choice. 

All major scales; two contrasting etudes from either Blazevich (Book I), Kopprasch or Bordogni (Rochut); three to five contrasting orchestral excerpts of an applicant's choice; and one of the following: Hindemith Tuba Sonata or 1st movement of the Vaughn Williams Concerto.

Two contrasting movements from JS Bach 6 cello suites or JS Bach Partitas and Sonatas; one movement from a standard viola concerto such as - Bartok, Walton, Hindemith; one movement from a standard viola sonata such as - Brahms, Clarke, Shostakovich; three orchestral excerpts of your choice.

Three pieces of different styles. One piece may be a caprice or etude.

VOICE (Requires submission of a “pre-screening” video by December 1st)
Applicants should submit a copy of a program from their senior recital or equivalent performance, and prepare the following:

  • An aria from an opera or oratorio
  • Two art songs in languages other than English
  • One contemporary art song

A short sight-reading exercise will be administered at the audition.