All-University Finance Committee



Standing Charges:

The All-University Finance Committee represents the General Faculty in all matters concerning the financial status of the University. The Committee shall review the annual budgets of the University and the budget process, including financial plans for the University, investment strategies, capital investment plans, financial implications of faculty salary and faculty/staff benefit proposals and other such matters as may be referred to it by the Senate or the Executive Committee.


The Committee shall be responsible for Subcommittees named below as well as others that may be assigned to it by the Senate. The chairs of these Subcommittees shall be members of the committee, but other subcommittee members need not be.

  1. Subcommittee on Faculty Benefits
  2. Subcommittee on The Economic Status of the Faculty

The Committee shall brief the Senate each fall concerning the University budget for the current fiscal year and preliminary plans for the next fiscal year. This Committee shall brief the Senate each February concerning the budget to be proposed to the Board of Trustees for the next fiscal year. The Committee shall make an annual report to the Senate in writing.


Additional Charges from AY 2024/5

  1. Explore the inclusion of more critical infrastructure, including IT teaching infrastructure, into the Plant Fund 
  2. Begin exploring possibilities for reallocation of restricted endowment funds (Fund 20) that are not being utilized.
  3. Explore and identify challenges in equity across campus in budgetary process. (including 天美传媒 Budget indirect accounts)
  4. Monitor revenue from online and any other new(er) non-brick and mortar programs.