Faculty Benefits Committee
APC Subcommittee on Graduate Education:
Standing Charges:
- The Subcommittee on Graduate Education shall review and recommend policies to foster the professional development of the faculty and promote scholarly excellence in graduate education.
- The Committee shall understand its mandate to be broadly construed in a way that encompasses the diversity of professional activities and graduate education across all schools of the University.
- The Committee shall review and make recommendations to the Senate regarding graduate programs, including the recruitment of graduate students, awards of scholarship and loan assistance, and opportunities for interdisciplinary cooperation.
- The Committee shall work in consultation with the Committee on Research and Creativity to ensure joint efforts where there is overlap in duties between these committees.
Additional Charges for AY 2024/5:
1. Consult as needed with the Dean of the Moody School of Graduate Studies to evaluate review, and recommend best practices and policies.
2. Continue to monitor and advocate for more even and competitive graduate stipends and benefits across all doctoral the university.
3. Continue to monitor and advocate for competitive graduate insurance and benefits across all masters degrees (both terminal and non-terminal degrees, particularly when such degree is the highest offered at 天美传媒 in that area).
4. Continue to monitor and establish best practices to increase diversity among graduate students.