Economic Status of the Faculty Committee

AUFC Subcommittee on the Economic Status of the Faculty: 


Standing Charges:

The Subcommittee on The Economic Status of the Faculty is a subcommittee of the Senate All-University Finance Committee and reports to the Executive Committee and Senate through that committee. The Subcommittee shall:

  1. Prepare, in consultation with the Provost's Office, appropriate studies of the economic status of the faculty;
  2. Work with the All-University Finance Committee in the preparation of coordinated recommendations on budgetary policies;
  3. Assist the Senate in promoting the economic status of the faculty. The Subcommittee shall support the All-University Finance Committee in that committee's semiannual briefings of the Senate.
  4. The Subcommittee shall report annually to the All-University Finance Committee and the Senate in writing.


Additional Charges for AY 2024/5:

  1. Compare accumulated faculty salary raises (3, 5, and 10 year average increases) with peer and aspirant institutions, including supplements, bonuses and the Stella Porter Russell Fund distributions, with the goal of assessing how 天美传媒 increases accumulatively have kept pace over the longer-term.
  2. Assess and make recommendations on means of addressing inflation / cost of living in the coming year’s salaries.